Chapter XXIII

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As Blake and Yang entered the Stinger Mantis, they were immediately attacked by Merrin. Blake used the Force to block a magic blast to protect herself and Yang. 

Merrin: I knew you were not to be trusted! 

Blake activated her Lightsaber and defended herself from the Nightsister's attacks. It wasn't long before Greez intervenes. 

Greez: Hey hey hey! You two knock it off! Not on my ship! 

Merrin: She betrayed us! She manipulated us! She brought the Empire to us!

Blake: I made a terrible mistake. You have every right to be angry at me. But I want to make it right. I want to help you rescue Cal and the others!

Merrin: And why should we trust you? You deceived us once. How can we trust you after this?

Blake: I know about Nightsister magic. Look into my mind. 

Upon hearing this, Merrin was hesitant. She did not trust Blake. She and never trusted Blake. However, Greez soon stepped in. 

Greez: Maybe we should give her a chance. Yeah, she might've sold Cal and the others out to the Empire, but I think she wants to help. 

Merrin: How can you trust her? 

Greez: I've dealt with a lot of sleemos in my time. But she's being genuine here. 

As Greez said this, BD-1 trilled to Merrin, appearing to side with Greez on trusting Blake. Blake soon deactivated her Lightsaber and approached Merrin. 

Blake: I know I've betrayed you. There's nothing I can do to change that. But please, let me help you! Look deep into my mind if you have to. 

In that moment, Merrin reluctantly agreed to use her magic to probe into Blake's mind. As Merrin began the ritual, she and Blake found themselves in the Enclave on Tython all those years ago. They watched as a child Blake hide in the enclave as the sound of battle was heard outside. 

Blake: That's...that's me.

Merrin: You don't remember? 

Blake: It''s been so long. 

Blake and Merrin watched as the child Blake hid in fear of what was outside. Suddenly, Kali Belladonna was blasted through the door. She was soon gripped by the Force and was strangled as Darth Vader entered the room. 

Darth Vader(Vision): I sense someone far more powerful nearby. Where is your master?

Kali(Vision): The Dark Side has clouded your mind. You killed my master years ago.

Darth Vader(Vision): Then now you will share his fate. Along with your husband.

Blake and Merrin watched as Darth Vader's Lightsaber flung out of his hand and lands in the hands of a frightened young Blake. Slowly, Blake began to piece together her past which had repressed from her mind for so long. They watched as Darth Vader set his gaze upon the child Blake. 

Darth Vader(Vision): A daughter.

Kali(Vision): Blake! Run!

Blake watched as her former master killed her mother. In that moment, Blake's memories began flooding back. She remembered the fear she felt as Darth Vader approached her. She watched as Stormtroopers flooded the enclave and was prepared to shoot her until Darth Vader intervened. Blake and Merrin watched as the Dark Lord took Blake in as his apprentice, sensing the Force within her. 

Merrin: I sense....pain, suffering......

As Merrin went deeper into Blake's mind, Merrin could feel the pain and suffering Blake felt. It was the same kind of pain and suffering the Nightsister felt when she lost her sisters during the Separatist massacre of the Nightsisters on Dathomir. It was at his moment that Merrin stopped the ritual. When it ended, Blake and Merrin were visibly distraught. 

Yang: Blake? 

Blake: Vader....he killed them....he killed my parents.....

Blake had repressed that memory for so long. It was in that moment that Blake broke down. 

Merrin: I too know the pain of loss. I lost my sisters when an armored warrior and his army of machines descended upon us and slaughtered them like animals. 

Merrin soon reflected on the pain she felt after the massacre. 

Merrin: For the longest time, I knew only pain and anger. It was only when Cal came and helped me overcome my anger. 

Blake: Let me help you rescue Cal and the others. There's still time. 

Yang: How are we going to do that? They could be halfway across the Galaxy. 

As Yang said this, Blake took a moment to collect her thoughts and began to meditate. 

Yang: What are you doing?

Blake: Meditating. Jedi can sometimes sense visions of the future. 

Yang: Have you done this before? 

Blake: I've never been a Jedi before. But this might be our only shot of finding Cal and the others.

As Blake began to meditate, she was almost overwhelmed by a plethora of possible futures. Focusing on one of the common elements, he discovered the location of the Rebels. She saw an incomplete space station. 


Yang: What's wrong?! What did you see? 

Blake: A station. 

With that, Greez traveled to the location Blake described. Soon enough, they came across an incomplete space station. Using the Stinger Mantis's cloaking device, they reached the thin atmosphere used for the workers and slaves. Standing on the open boarding ramp of the Mantis, Blake prepared to jump down when Yang met up with her. 

Blake: Tell Greez to keep the ship cloaked and beyond scanner range. 

Yang: I have a real bad feeling about this, Blake. 

Blake: Then that means we're doing something right. 

Yang: Am I going to see you again?

Blake: If I can free the rebels, they're going to need extraction.

As Blake avoided a direct answer, Yang became silent. Blake sighed and turned towards Yang. 

Blake: Probably not, no.

Yang: Then I'll never need to live this down.

Without hesitation, Yang rushed forward and kissed Blake on the lips. At first, Blake was surprised, but then she returned the embrace. As the kiss ended, Blake looked into Yang's eyes. 

Blake: Goodbye, Yang. 

Blake then leapt from the boarding ramp, plunging into the Death Star. Yang watched sadly as the woman she had come to love fell out of sight. In that moment, Blake had finally embraced her true nature.

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