Chapter XII

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After meeting with Cal Kestis, Blake along with Adam and Yang waited outside the White Fang for Cal and his crew. Soon enough, the Stinger Mantis landed in front of the White Fang. As it landed, Cal exited the ship with BD-1 on his back. With him was a dark skinned human woman, a Nightsister and a Latero man. 

Yang: Wow. Talk about a diverse crew. 

Cal: This is my crew. Cere Junda, Greez Dritus and Merrin. 

Cere: Cal told us you wished to speak about fighting the Empire. 

Blake: You are correct. This is my pilot Captain Yang Xiao Long and former Imperial Agent Adam Taurus. 

Merrin was silent as she studied Blake intently. Blake continued to make her case to Cal and his crew. 

Blake: I need your help. I can't take the Empire by myself. I need allies. I need an army. 

Greez: Yeah...we've been kinda at this for a while now, but right now we're trying to lay low. Fighting the Empire ain't exactly safe.

Adam: Then we need an army to even the odds. More importantly, we need powerful allies who will help us provide that army. 

Upon hearing this, the Mantis crew were hesitant. Merrin remained silent as she continued to study Blake. After a moment of consideration, Cere spoke. 

Cere: I have a contact in the Imperial Senate who could use a Lightsaber. Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora has been one of the most vocal critics of the Empire. 

Blake: And that makes her a target. 

Adam: And a valuable ally to our cause. Senator Chuchi has powerful allies in the Senate. 

Blake had heard about Senator Chuchi through Darth Vader. She had been an outspoken critic of the Empire  

Blake: Where can I find her?

Cere: The Empire had set up a compound on the ancient Jedi homeworld of Tython. Senator Chuchi was taken there. 

Blake: Then let's go. 

At that point, Merrin finally broke her silence. 

Merrin: Do not trust her, Cal! There is darkness and deceit in her heart!

As Merrin spoke her warning to Cal, Blake immediately became defensive, but was silent about it as she didn't want to draw too much attention. As a safe measure, Blake placed her hand on the hilt of her Lightsaber. 

Merrin: She is not to be trusted, Cal! She is not what she seems!

Cal: Don't worry, Merrin. I trust her. I'm a great judge of character. 

Merrin glanced over to Blake and the two exchanged intense glares. The air became tense as Blake and Merrin silently clashed. Cal soon broke the tension.

Cal: We won't get anywhere if we don't work together. Like Blake said, she needs help to fight the Empire. 

Adam: I agree. Fighting amonst ourselves will do us no good. The Empire's army is vast. If we remain divided, then we will be promptly wiped out. 

At that point, Merrin chose to back down for now. However, Merrin was still distrustful of Blake and her intentions. Blake knew that Merrin could blow her cover if she wasn't careful. 

Cal: So what are we waiting for? Let's go to Tython. We'll meet with you there.

In that moment, Blake along with Adam and Yang boarded the White Fang while Cal and his allies boarded the Stinger Mantis. As both ships left Christophsis, Yang began setting the coordinates for Tython. As she does, Blake turned to Adam. 

Blake: What can you tell me about this compound?

Adam: This compound is located on the Tythonian Gnarls. It is the sight of the construction of a Skyhook under the command of Captain Ozzik Sturn. He's what you may call a....brutal commander. 

Yang: Lovely. Just lovely.

Blake: Then there's no time to waste. 

With that, the White Fang jumped into Hyperspace and began the journey to Tython. Meanwhile on the planet Tython, Captain Ozzik Sturn along with a squadron of Stormtroopers await the arrival of an Imperial Shuttle. As the shuttle lands, Sentor Riyo Chuchi is escorted out by Shadow Guards. 

Ozzik: Senator Chuchi. It's an honor to have a Senatorial observer.

Chuchi: You can drop the charade, Captain Sturn. We both know I was sent here as a hostage to keep me from speaking out against the Empire as you lack the courage to have me killed. 

Ozzik: Then we both understand the situation, Senator. If you keep your mouth shut, I'll keep you out of harm's way and your people will not be harmed. If not, you'll become the unfortunate victim of a Flesh Raider uprising. These slaves are mindless brutes, you know.

As the Imperial Captain said this, Senator Chuchi glanced over to see a group of Flesh Raider slaves being escorted to a work camp. One of the Stormstroopers pushed one of the Flesh Raiders with his blaster. At this point, Chuchi realized her situation as she looked to the Imperial Captain with contempt with her eyes. 

Chuchi: You disgust me. 

Ozzik: Now now, Senator. There is no need for further hostilities. We are both loyal servants to the Empire. You do things your way and I do them my way. As long as you remain silent, then you shall live comfortably. 

Chuchi: Show me to my quarters. 

Ozzik: As you wish, Senator Chuchi.

Ozzik then walks with Senator Chuchi and the Shadow Guards to the Pantoran Senator's quarters. In that moment, Senator Chuchi became a hostage to ensure her silence. For now, she would comply with the terms and remain silent. 

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