"They both are safe." I said with relief evident in his voice.

"It's good that you're both here." Alex comes along with Berry.

"How is Charlie?" asks Berry as she moves closer to him and caresses his head.

"He will wake up soon." I say, smiling at her.

"We have an important gathering tomorrow. You both need to sleep. Tomorrow will be a hectic day." Alex announces. Adam and I nod understanding completely.

"We will shift Charlie and Sara in a bigger room. It will be completely secured. Four guards will be stationed outside and Nayanthara said that she can make a protective shield around the room." Berry says.

"Shield?" Adam asks just as confused as me.

"Yes. A transparent shield. It will manage to keep the demons away. Although we will have to make sure that the demons are dealt outside the castle. Nayanthara is working on it along with her apprentices."

"If we can have a shield for the room then why not the whole place?" I ask.

"Yes, Ryder. We will put up this shield around the whole castle. It will buy us some time against those demons."

"Have you both eaten anything?" Berry asked to which we both shook our heads in denial.

"I will get someone to bring dinner for you. You both will go to sleep after having Dinner." She says firmly.

"Yes, ma'am." Adam says playfully. She lands a soft punch on his arms and walks out of the room saying she will see Sara and then send our dinner to us.

Alex pulled Adam and I in a tight hug.

"Stay strong, brothers. We will be fine." He says and pat our backs before leaving.


Next Morning...

Berenice's pov

All the Lycans arrived at the break of the dawn and now everyone was gathered on the ground waiting for my mate to show up and address them all. Our entire kingdom was present in front of my eyes. I could see the ocean of people chattering among themselves and wondering what the meeting is about. Every wolf no matter what rank was present and some looked uncomfortable because of the presence of the Lycans.

All the Lycans try to emit a friendly aura around them which made me very happy. They were trying to make the wolves comfortable around them. Many even initiated the conversation to make them feel welcomed. No Lycan looked down on the wolves. They saw them as their fellow mate whom they have to protect. Lycanthropes know that they are the stronger one here and their protective nature wakes up at the times of crisis like these.

They were ready to protect and defend their kingdom along with their Alpha King. The entire Royal family was present. I don't even know them yet they welcomed with open arms. It was hard to remember about all the distant uncles and aunts and cousins and their kids but I think I can manage.

The entire ground fell silent when my mate stepped out from the castle alongside Ryder and Adam. The energy around him was so dominant it made me want to press myself on him and bare my beck in submission.

The one standing in front of me was not my mate who was affectionate or the one who wore his feelings on the sleeves with me. He was the great Alpha King whose stories I heard when I was a little girl. The one whose name is enough to make the enemies tremble in fear and accept defeat.

The Undefeated

The Legendary

The great Alpha King

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