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Both our heads shot up in the direction of the doorway. Harry was standing there, arms crossed over his body with a look on his face that I knew all too well.

Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit

"Harry, you just said to me that you talked to Liv about some stuff and I wanted to apologize too for ignoring her for the past days. And I might have slipped some things that I thought you told her too." Louis quickly said standing up straight now. Louis seemed rather scared even though he never did when he was nearby Harry.

"You know how I think about that subject Lou." Harry said in an awfully low voice. He clenched his jaw while walking towards us in the room. I was just sitting there but I could feel my cheeks heat up by the embarrassment I had for knowing too much and that I mostly just fucked up the small step forward for being friends. And then there's the fact that I knew that Harry would burst out in anger at any moment.

"And that's why I am sorry. I really thought you told Liv." Louis said, getting more confident in his words as he walked towards Harry.

Harry closed his arms again which was a sign of feeling scared or not wanting to let someone in. Louis was standing in front of Harry with his hands on Harry's arm.

"I will just pretend I didn't hear anything." My voice came out smaller then I anticipated and I hated it. I heard Harry scoff and Louis looked at me with a face that let me know that it would've been better if I just had shut my mouth.

"You and I both know that that's not how this works." Harry said and shook his head in disbelieve of the stupid proposition I just made.

Now I think back about it, maybe I should've indeed just stayed quiet and Louis would've handled this situation. Louis knew what he needed to do in these kind of situations.

"Let me be very clear on this subject." Harry said and got out of Louis's grip who was struggling to keep Harry from walking further to me. Which obviously didn't help because Louis was almost a head shorter than Harry.

Harry sat down next to me on my bed and I shuffled back a bit. I didn't trust the look he had in his eyes at the moment.

"What we just talked about, my history, was already a big step to tell someone I barely know." I nodded my head quickly, letting him know that I totally understood that.

"But," His hand came up to my face to put a strand of hair behind my ear which made this whole conversation a lot more weird and scary. He had that serial killer look in his eyes which made me terrified. "talking about Tara, will get you killed." He said with a devilish smile.

I quickly looked over at Louis who was just standing with his head low which made me realize he might be true about the killing part.

He now grabbed my jaw harshly with his whole hand so that I had to look him in the eyes again. "And I mean it." He said through gritted teeth while I could see the absolute fury in his eyes.

And with that he walked away. I let out a shaky breath. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

"Don't worry. Killing is a big word." Louis said who was still standing in my room. "Hurt you, probably. But he wouldn't kill you." He shrugged his shoulders like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Oh yeah, because that fixes everything." I whisper screamed at Louis afraid that Harry was standing in the hallways and would indeed kill me even though Louis said he wouldn't.

Dying doesn't sound much fun at the moment

"Maybe it helps if I told you he was on coke right now." Louis then said out of nowhere. My head shot in his direction and saw him leaning against my wall.

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