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POV: Harry

I started singing my part of the song and looked up to find Liv standing in the back of the repetition room. She looked pale and she staggered a bit.

When was the last time she ate anything? She didn't have breakfast this morning because we left in a hurry. Before that, we were on the plane the whole time.

I didn't see her eat anything on the plane but I wasn't around her the whole time. She probably did eat something but I just wasn't around.

I dropped my thoughts and decided that she probably still was a bit shocked about the whole drug thing that she saw. But just as I was about to divert my eyes from her, she fell down.

"Oh for fuck sake!" I yelled through the microphone. The music stopped and I saw Paul run towards her. She wasn't moving. Her body laid limp on the floor just in front of a small table.

Niall, Liam and Zayn quickly walked towards her and I looked to my left to find Louis looking at me. "You're not going to check on her?" I asked Louis. "I could ask you the same." He answered and raised his eyebrows. "I don't really care and besides, it seems like they've got it under control." I said as I turned my head and looked towards the small group of people that were gathered around Liv's body.

"Why are you so distant?" Louis said and I looked back at him. "I know that you hate that you're a part of another PR stunt but with the other girls you were at least a bit more interested. What is it about her that makes you don't care?" He continued as he slowly walked towards me like a predator approaching his prey.

"There's nothing about her that makes me don't care, I just don't like her. She annoys me." I shrugged as I carefully looked back towards Liv.

The small group that consisted out of Liam, Niall, Zayn, Paul and a few other people inspected Livs body. I heard Paul say that someone should call an ambulance and Niall grabbed his phone.

I felt Louis presence close to my body but before I could turn around I felt his lips brush against my ear. "Don't lie to me." He softly whispered and walked passed me towards the others.

I was telling the truth that I don't like her. Okay maybe I left out that we had a short encounter a few years ago but that didn't matter right now. Besides I was positive that she didn't like me either.

I sighed and decided to join the others. When I walked towards the group and looked down at Liv her body, I saw blood on the ground behind her head. My heart rate raised a bit.

"Wait is she bleeding?" I asked Paul who was inspecting her head. "Yes, she hit her head when she fell down. She's still breathing so that's a good sign." I can't help but scoff. "You think?" I sarcastically said. Paul turns his head around to look at me. His face looks like he's trying to say that this wasn't the time to act funny. At that moment Niall came running towards us.

"I called the ambulance they're on the way. The man told me to turn her on her side and check if her breathing is stable." He said while he was out of breath.

Paul carefully turned her body on her side and listened if she was still breathing. "She seems stable. What else did they say Niall?" He asked Niall, who was trying to calm down.

"He said that if she doesn't react when you're talking to her or shaking her body we should wait until they arrive. We also had to make sure her body temperature stays the same so he said we should lay a blanket or something over her body." Niall said.

Paul instructed Liam to go get a blanket. Liam mumbled a bit that he didn't know where there could be a blanket but he didn't argue with Paul.

"We should also check her breathing every minute, to see if it stays regular." Niall spoke again as we all stood around her body not knowing what to do with this situation.

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