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After the whole 'friends with benefits' talk, Harry decided he did want to get some food even though he said he wouldn't.

He is just very stubborn and I don't know how I could solve that. I know something is bothering him but it also seems like he just doesn't wanna talk about it. I needed to get some inside information on his side to know what I could do about it.

I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Tara. I remember the picture so well on his nightstand when I took the drugs yesterday. They looked so happy.

I wonder what happened between the two of them what made him like this. Every time the conversation started and it went into Tara's direction, he cut it off. He made it very clear he didn't want to talk about it the second he said he would kill me if I said a word about it.

It's now late in the evening. The boys didn't perform today, what would've happened but it was postponed to tomorrow. Nobody knew the reason which made me more anxious that it could've been my fault.

I decided to give Jay a call and see what's up with him. So that's what I did.

"It was about time that you gave me a call. I already thought you'd forget about me." Was the first thing I heard when Jay had picked up the phone which made me smile and slip back on the couch while there was a show on the tv that consisted of a lot of drugs which made me feel kinda heavy hearted.

"You know I won't forget about you." I chuckled into the phone. "How's modeling going for you?" I asked hoping he booked some jobs already and did some photo shoots.

"Wilhelmina really loves me, luckily." He said and I heard him sigh. "The people who don't love you just suck. There is not one piece I don't love about you." With that I saw Harry walk into the room with nothing more than his gray sweatpants, his upper body was bare. My mouth went dry at the sight in front of me and I looked him up and down.

It was true about what Harry said just a few hours ago. We both were attracted to each other. Maybe not by heart but for appearance it was completely true. He was hot, and he knows it.

Harry looked at me with raised eyebrows when a smirk appeared on his lips. I quickly averted my eyes into a different direction and swallowed thickly trying to not get a red face.

"You still there?" I suddenly heard on the other end which made me realize that Jay was still on the phone.

"Yeah sorry, got distracted for a second." I said out loud which made Harry chuckle. It wasn't smart to say it like that because his narcissistic side would come out now.

"Oh distracted by lover boy?" Jay said with the same nickname he already used in the past a few times. "Stop calling him that." I rolled my eyes but chuckled afterwards when I remembered that he couldn't see me.

I looked at Harry who came back out of the kitchen with a water bottle in his hand. He pointed at himself with raised eyebrows wanting to know if it was about him.

"Harry is just nothing more than a horny teenage boy. Just like you actually." I looked Harry in the eyes while saying that, raising one eyebrow while smirking to kinda tease him. "Hey!" I heard them both say at the same time which made me laugh out loud.

"I hope you love me more than him." Jay sounded genuinely offended. "Jay, you know I love you with my whole heart. There is nothing Harry can do to make me love him more than I love you." I assured him.

Harry looked down at the ground and just smirked to himself which made me have this weird feeling in my stomach like he was plotting something. I kept my eye on Harry the whole time to make sure he didn't do any sudden, stupid moves.

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