Stop 43

13 2 0

Song of the week: be my baby by: Ariana Grande


I sat in the car, just waking up, I saw justin coming back towards me. I smiled widely. Wider than usual, it's probably because I saw his beautiful eyes, they were gleaming beautifully because of the morning sun. He waved at me to get out of the car, I did so and wrapped my arms around his waist as I approached him, I laid my head on his shoulder and cuddled up to him. We walked up to a room, room, 31. He unlocked it and I ran in immediately jumping on the bed. It was a shirty old motel that only two other old people were staying at, Stop 43. I would remember this place forever. I kissed Justin's cheek and giggled a little as he blushed a lot. I felt my phone ring so I pulled it out of my pocket. It was Chris so I answered.

"Hello?" I said like I didn't know who it was.
"Hey baby, what are you up too?" He asked, I'm guessing he didn't believe the tabloids that I ran out of a basketball stadium crying yesterday.
"Just going to Toronto for an appearance why?" I shouldn't of asked why I mean, his is my boyfriend right now he probably just wants to know..
"Just wondering.. When are you going to be home because I'm able to come home early tonight and I'm actually landing now.." He said kind of sad I wasn't going to be there.
"Oh just have some guys over you know? Just smoke a little, drink a little, have a guys night, I'll clean it up when I get home tomorrow Kay?" I said sounding almost like he had me wrapped around his finger, like I was his slave..
"Okay baby, you better not make me clean it up though." He laughed. "Well I love you but fans are running at me so I Gotta go. Love you so much." He said and before I could say anything back he had already hung up the phone. So much for being a good fiancé.. But how good I say anything, I was cheating on him. I just shook my head and looked out the window, the morning sun glowing in my face and through the little strands of my hair. I heard Justin's phone take a picture I turned around smiling at him.
"Did you just take a picture of me?" I laughed a little and moved closer to him.
"Only the back of your head, and I'm tweeting it and posting it on Instagram, they'll have no idea it was you, they'll think it was Haley Baldwin... Okay?" He says even though there was no stopping him. I just nodded and smiled.
"Mind if we hit the road.. Just so I can go home again.. I'm sorry.. I feel bad and since I'm going to be cheating on Chris, I should at least give him one last amazing date and day with me.." Justin nods and he goes to bring back the key, I wait in the car, not bringing a bag, because I obviously didn't pack one. I didn't think Justin would come after me this time.. I checked my phone and saw Justin had just posted the picture and it was so beautiful, the way the sun went through my hair, but it was mostly the caption I loved.
'Her. She annoys the hell outta me but, she's my princess.' It read.
I couldn't help but giggle and comment..
'She's great for you Justin. I'm happy, so happy for you :)' I replied back to him. Kind of smiling knowing that it will just make more people go crazy. That's my plan. I'm kidding, I wouldn't do that to our fans. The Jaci fans, Jay-see. How flipping cute. Jc fans. Awweee. I laughed a little and decided to search the hashtag, surprisingly there were millions of photos of us, happy together, a few were photoshopped of ones where it was originally Chris and I. But one caught my attention. It was one where Chris was kissing me in the restaurant after he purposed and he was holding me in his arms. They photoshopped Justin to fit in his place perfectly. The caption read:
'This is how it should of been..' I liked it, knowing it would make the Jaci fan happy, more than happy.
I put my phone away, I saw Justin get in the car happier than usual.
"Nice comment." He laughs a little and smirks at me.
"Only for you." I say as I lean over and kiss his cheek again. He started driving again and I rested my head on the chair. I closed my eyes remembering the worst times.

'I sat there crying like nobody was watching, which nobody was. Justin cheated on me, he had never done anything this terrible before. Never. Being seventeen with a boyfriend who could get any other girl isn't easy. He came in, trying to apologize, pleading, begging.
"I know I should of fought it, at least I'm being honest. I feel like I've failed you and I know you've got everything, but I've got nothing here without you, but one last time, I need to be the one loves you, I promise after that I'll let you go. I promise." He said tears streaming down his face like Niagara Falls. I shook my head knowing I shouldn't..
"But I don't want you gone. But what the hell Justin... I love you too much..."'
That's when he realized he get away with all his bullshit with me... He knew it. I looked at him apologetically.'

"I'm sorry for everything, I have ever done that's hurt you. I'll never ever do it again. I promise, and at least you can be honest." I took his free hand and interlocked it with mine.
He smiled at me, "I'm sorry too, and yes at least I'm being honest." He had realized what memory I had just thought of and knew exactly what to say. Thats my baby. I turned on the radio and turned it up. It was beg for it by Iggy Azalea, I started to sing a long.
"Now Iggy Iggy can't you see? That everybody wanna put they hands on me, I be on this money while you're man on me, I need another hand with all these bandz on me like." I sang louder than the actual radio, I looked over at Justin who was laughing so hard at my try hard act.
"Get up out my face like who'd you think you are, talking all this trash like blah-de-blah-de-blah, oh eh oh, na uh, oh eh oh, no uh, oh eh oh, get up out my face like who d'you think you are, make me wanna laugh like har de har de har." I smile and laughed with him after that part, my sassiness was just too much, like usual. I kissed the back of his hand and smiled at him widely. He smiled back at turned back to the road with that same goofy smile that I've always loved. I felt guilt rising from the pit of my stomach and I felt like such a bad person for doing this. I felt so bad for Chris. I do want to marry Christopher Maurice Brown. I want to be Mrs.Maci Brown. It would be amazing, but I I want to be Mrs.Maci Bieber, more and I want to marry Justin more, I overall just love Justin just that much more, and I'm so sorry to say that I don't think I can look at Chris and say that he's the one I know I'm supposed to be with forever and ever. I shut my eyes and drifted back off to sleep, sleep that was way over needed. I woke up back at the basketball stadium I looked at him and kissed his cheek before smiling and getting out. Justin called my name as I was almost to my Rover.
"Maci!" He yelled to me.
"Yes?" I replied with a little hair flip.
He laughed a little, "I'll see you at home babe." He winked at me and sped off, quicker than what I would've liked but I don't care. I just laughed and got in my Rover. Fixing up my hair and makeup a little. I drove off to see my baby number 1. Once I got home, I parked my car in the garage, right beside Chris'. I ran inside and went straight to the foyer, I saw Chris sitting in the middle of our double staircases with one arm on his elevated knee. I ran over to him and he stood up, spinning me around, he's smiling so widely, he had no fucking clue. I kissed him, deeply but quickly. He smiled and grabbed my butt. I laughed and saw that look.
"I've got a question." He said like a little boy hiding something.
"Yes baby." I said like I was his momma or something.
"Why'd I find a vibrator in your Audi?" He asks while laughing on the inside.
"Why were you snooping?" I say smiling super widely, totally dodging his question.
"Getting my passport sweetheart." He says picking me up bridal style.
"Well, if you really want to know..." I sigh jokingly.
"You don't have to answer babe I just want to embarrass you." He winks as I blush a little.
"I didn't actually find one, but I did see you doing that one morning before you went to the studio." He said winking at me again.
"You didn't! That's such a lie! I have never!" I say all at once.
"I'm kidding baby! I'm kidding!" He says smiling so widely.
"How about we just go get In the shower together already." I say running a finger down his chest.
"Already going." He says practically running to our bathroom. Getting to the hot an steamy like we usually do... I felt so bad. The whole time I thought of Justin...
Wow, what a chapter, a lot of shit is happening and who just doesn't like Jaci! But wtf? Maci cheating.. What are her fans going to think, comment what you think ;) love you all so much and I'll see you in a little bit babes!

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