Picking up the Pieces

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Picture Of Jill & Matt's House Above

Song of the week:Hurt by: Christina Aguilera!


 After a little while, more like 3 weeks of being home was extremely hard... I couldn't stand lying to Chris about everything and I knew it hurt him. But, It's not the right time to tell him. Maybe it won't be for a long time... I don't know right now... I'll think about all this later... Justin and I are chilling in the studio by ourselves... Justin's just goofing around with mic and making me laugh uncontrollably when Chris walks in with my friend Jasmine. I immediately stop laughing and look at them suspiciously..

"Hey Baby?' I say almost like a question

"Oh, hey, thought I'd find you here." He says angrily

"What's wrong with you?" I ask beginning to be confused, I could tell we were going to get into an argument. When we do were completely terrible to each other. I'm a completely different person when we fight, it's terrible.

"You always spend more time with Justin, so I asked Jasmine where you were since you two were chatting this morning." Chris says looking angrier.

"And tha-" He cuts me off.

"Why are you so close with him again Maci? Please don't lie to me." Chris looking like he could hit me just about now.

"Don't hit me you son of a bitch... I'm cheating on you with Justin okay? I didn't want to tell you becuase I didn't want to hurt you. I know that you've been nothing but amazing to me and I'm just a giant piece of ruffed up garbage. I've been so terrible to you and you deserve so much better. I'm sorry, but I think you should move out now... By the way, Jasmine, what did you tell him?" I say apologetically before glaring at Jasmine. I really didn't think that all that was coming out today or at this time... I didn't even dare look at Justin right now. I know exactly what Chris and Justin are going to do, they're going to stay friends because I picked, Justin didn't steal or force me and Chris understands the love I once had for him, I've explained it so many times. In fact when Chris and I first started dating we had a fight one time about how I always wanted things to be like how they were with Justin. Chris wasn't completely wrong, I did want some things to be like how they were with Justin but that's when I changed into this bad ass bitch and I explained I wanted to get rid of Justin once and for all but clearly, that didn't happen at all.

"Actually nothing except that you were with Justin at the Studio.." Jasmine says quietly, mouthing sorry to me. I nod at her in forgivingly.

I finally turn and look at Justin, he is in complete shock that I just actually did that. But at the same time, damn he looks relieved. I smiled at him, causing him to smirk at me, he didn't fully smile because he knows Chris is watching our every move. More particularly Justin's because he wants to know where he went wrong. He didn't, I still love him, but now, more of a friend. I quickly slid my engagement ring off my left hand and gave it back to Chris. He shook his head no.

"Keep it. It's a reminder of all our good times and the love we shared for each other babe, er, Mac. Don't forget, I'll always help my mami out, I'll love you forever girl, I'll be out by tomorrow." He says like he is completely heart broken. At that moment right there, I feel like I have failed absoloutley everything I was supposed to do as his partner and feel absolutely terrible. I immediately told him to contact all the magazines and 'TMZ' so that everyone would just know already that I cheated... He just nods and walks out. Jasmine goes with him. I walk out behind them, hugging Jasmine and thanking her for letting me tell him, I watch her get in her car and drive away just like Chris did 30 seconds ago. I walk back into the studio and sit down on the couch. Justin comes out of the recording booth and sits next to me holding my hand. He lays his head on my chest and breathes in and out heavily. I smile a little knowing it's all going to be alright. Now everyone can see me and Justin together. We can finally be happy again. It's about time. Justin sits up and looks deep into my eyes.

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