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Song of the week: BO$$ By: Fifth Harmony


I stood back beside Scooter, I looked at him and spoke up.

"I'm here for business. I work for my money cause that's what my mother taught me so your ass better start showing some respect. I expect some kind of apology by the end of this or I won't be doing anything with you. Understood?" I said more harshly that I probably should have.

He gulped "Understood." He looked down.

My manager spoke up, "Let's go sit down." Everyone walked to a giant desk and Scooter pulled out a chair for me. We started talking about performing one of my songs together. Or something like a duet or being on some kind of contract together. We decided to do duet at the end of the day and we would be recording 2 days after I give birth. Great. Working my ass of right after I push a living child out of my vagina and then giving it away to my sister. Perfect. As we were saying bye Chris pulled me aside.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was gonna bother you that much it won't happen again." He smiled a little.

"Thank you, I've really gotta run, but thanks I'll talk to you later Chris." I smile and walk over to Scooter. I give him a little smile and nod to tell him I have to go.

"Great meeting with you!" I smile at Chris and his Manager.

I walk away without Scooter as the two managers are going over some details. I called Jamie.

"Hello?" I heard her answer.

"Can you pick me up?" I ask.

"Yeah where are you?" I could tell she was smiling. I told her where I was and about 10 minutes later she was there.

"Hello gorgeous!" She almost yells

"Hiya beautiful!" I laugh a give her a hug.

She removes her sunglasses. I smile at her and she smiled back motioning for me to get into her car. She gets in the driver seat and we start driving.

"How have you been?" She asks.

"Horrible." I feel tears in my eyes. I tell her what happened with the kids and Justin and I. By this time I'm sobbing. She comforts me and she runs into a variety store and grabs some Ben and Jerry's. She rubs my back when she gets back in her car. She drives us out to her family's cottage that's been empty for a while but it's still so beautiful. When we pull up she helps me out and puts my purse on the counter. It looks like someone had already been here cleaning up. She smiles at me reassuring me that everything's gonna be alright. Which made me remember Justin's song Be Alright I had listened to for the first time while I was on a plane flying too see him. I hadn't seen him in so long and I remember hugging him as tight as I could when I saw him, the way he held me back and the way he smiled and the tears in his eyes from how much he had missed me. (Flashback)

Justin was waiting for me, standing against the black SUV parked at the back if the airport. He saw me and I saw him cry for the first time ever. I dropped everything and ran to him. I threw my arms around his neck and smiled at him. He picked me up and spun me around like they do in the movies. I kissed him and wiped away his tears.

"Don't cry baby." I smiled at him.

"I've missed you so much." He mumbled.

"I missed you too." I kissed him.

Connections (A Justin Bieber FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz