I'm Done.

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"What's wrong with you?" Justin asked with a tone.

"WHATS WRONG WITH ME???" I shouted into the phone.

"You have a DUI YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT JUSTIN! I'm sitting here looking like a fucking idiot! We'll talk later." I hung up.

What a dumb ass. God. Why Justin? Why would he do this? can he not just stay out of trouble? does he really need a reality check? That's it! I'm going to have to let Justin fall for once. He needs to learn. He can miss the charge. He can go to court! I don't care! He's not a child. I shouldn't have to tell him things like that! I walked back over to the police officer. Fuming with anger by this point.

"I'll let him pay his charge himself." I told her.

"Okay." She replied.

He tried calling me several more times. I didn't answer he even tried to text me. What and Idiot.

To: Mac<3

Baby, answer me please. We need to talk. It's a false charge anyways! Please answer me! Come home. I need you.

I didn't answer him. he can look like an idiot this time. I called scooter though.

"Hey, What do ya need? Condoms? Tampons?" Scooter answered the phone.

"Excuse me? Would I call YOU for that?" I told him.

"Wow. Sorry."

"It's fine. I've had a rough day." I answered him.

"I know. Justin just called me crying." Once he told me that I immediately had to go home.

I ran back over to Jamie.

"Jamie! I have to go home! I'm Sorry!" I told her with a sad face.

"It's fine, I'll be okay!" She reassured me.

"Okay! I'll be back in a week to check on you!" I said with a smirk.

"Okay, Bye!" She yelled at me while I was walking away.

It would only take me an hour or two to get home!


It was just a DUI. I should have told her the minute I got it. Now shes fucking gone. How smart am I. God. I'm so fucked up. I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it. It was Lil Za and Khalil.

"Braaaaahhhh whats up?" Khalil said as I opened the door. Knowing right then I should've told them to leave.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?" I ask immediately feeling a smile on my face.

They held up a pipe and I let them inside. We all light them up at the same time

"I haven't had this feeling in a while" I mumbled, feeling my head start spinning, almost lifting, from the weight that's on my shoulders. I knew I shouldn't be doing this put I continued. What would my fans think of me if they knew I was doing this? I shook the thought out of my mind and continued on.

"Thats why we brought it over." Lil za told me.

"We should do this more often, Like alot more often!" Khalil laughed, these two are always stoned.

After about lighting 6 more times, We were pretty high. We were, pretty much done for, I could not think straight for the life of me. I don't really know why I do this to myself or anyone that's around me. I know it's terrible but, damn, it feels so good.

I heard a car pull up. I looked put the front windows. It was Maci. God. Why would she be here? Maybe she's come to apologize. You should be apologizing not her. I shook my head and pushed those thoughts a side, she should apologize and damn right she needs too.


I got into Justin's drive way and I saw a car I really didn't want to see. Khalil's car. I walked about half way up to the car and saw Justin coming out. He spit on the ground and his eyes were blood shot, He was high. I was very scared. No, no, no. This can't be happening. I couldn't move, I was frozen, Last time he got high, oh god I don't even wan to think about that. When I tried talking to him. He hit me.

"Justin, we need to talk, please just listen to m-" I tried to mumble out.

"No. Bitch you were the one who fucked up my whole life, You actually ruined it. I've never loved you, I only dated you to fuck you. I'm actually glad you're leaving me. I'll be so much happier once you leave me. You ruin everything and everyone that comes around you. It's all your fault, it always is. I can't even believe you seriously think I ever cared? All that bullshit I tell you?" He laughs right in my face. "You don't deserve me, I fucking Justin Bieber." He hissed at me and pushed me up against my car. He pushed me super hard, I felt a bruise immediately appear.

I cried in pain and hurt from him. I couldn't move at first, my back felt like it had cracked in half. I looked up to see his hand moving towards me, He slapped me. I stumbled to get up and stood my ground. I was shaking with fear but knew I had to do this. I felt anger build up inside me, I knew this would happen. "Justin I'm four and a half months pregnant with your child!" I yell at him with tears in my eyes. 

"I don't fucking care, I don't want a child!" He says shrugging.

"Don't you dare touch me. I will ruin your career. I can tell the whole world about all your mistakes and who you really are. I'm not trying to threaten you but if your gonna be violent, oh well then we can throw punches Justin but let me tell you, I'll win because there's a lot more at stake for you then There is for me." I hissed.

I grabbed my keys and got in my car. I had no where to go tonight. I decided to go to Taylor's. I don't even give a fuck if Justin doesn't like her because I'm done with him. He doesn't deserve anyone including me. Maybe I won't let him see the baby be born.. Fuck him.


Hope everyone liked this chapter! Yes I'm sorry it was short! But if you liked it at all, please vote and comment! It means a lot to me! Thank you all so much! Love you all!

Love, Regan.

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