The Perfect Gift!

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There she was, she was perfect!

"J...Jus....JUSTIN!" I cried out with tears rolling out of my eyes.

"I knew you would want her back." he said with the cutest smile ever.

A few months ago my mom fostered a little girl named Victoria. We call her Tori we had to stop though because she was being pulled from us into a different foster home. I have missed her so much ever since. I couldn't believe she was right here standing in front of me!

"TORI!" I yelled while running towards her to give her a giant hug!

"I'm going to start calling you mommy now. Okay?" she asked

"Wh..what do you mean?"

"I adopted her for us." Justin said to me.

I immediately told Tori she could call me mommy forever now! I was so happy! I can't believe he did this for me. I turned to him and smile shyly. I looked at him with big eyes.

"There's something I need to tell you." I said quietly.

"What?" He said sounding concerned.

"I'm- I- I'm pregnant Justin." I said quietly. He kissed me hard and deep. I could tell he was just as happy as I was.


I have missed Maci so much! Justin will be the best daddy ever he has already given me the best 4th birthday present a little girl could ever wish for, a permanent family!

"Can I pick my own room daddy?"

"Of course sweetheart!" He answered me.

My mom helped me pick it. It was the room at the end if the hall. It was already painted pink with black and white polka dots! It was perfect I guess justin had known I would like it!



I was so excited for tonight. We all were going out for dinner to celebrate. All of my family and Justin's family is going to be there! Everyone could see my new "daughter" I couldn't wait to tell people I had a "daughter" the ring to it was so amazing! Justin was the best Boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. This was going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride. Because it was the end of august we had to go sign Tori up for school. So we did I was excited for her to go and meet new little kids! She was going to be so happy for once in her life again.

I wanted to get Tori a new dress for tonight, we went to the nearest mall and went into osh-kosh kids, she loved that store. We went into the section for little girls I let her roam around so she could pick out whatever she wanted. She picked out a red dress with a lace skirt at the bottom and she already had little black and red flats to wear. We all listened to "Baby" on our way back home. Justin could still sing every bar so perfectly! Tori loved hearing him sing live. we usually went to his concerts but one time we weren't back stage and she loved that because he noticed her and he made the whole night about her! ( you can AWWWEEE again!) we got home and Tori and I ran upstairs to get ready. Justin had already gotten ready so me and Tori could be upstairs all by ourselves getting ready! I put her dress on her with her flats and I curled her hair and she sat and watched me get ready. I put on a black dress that went all the way down to my feet with giant pumps with diamonds on them. I put my hair up in a French twist and re-did my makeup.

"Mommy you look beautiful!" Tori whispered to me as I was picking her up.

"Thanks sweetie, so do you!"

I whispered back!

We walked down the grand stairs and I heard justin whisper to himself "wow"

We walked out of the house into our leopard print Audi. Justin started the engine and I couldn't tell where we were going . I noticed we pulled up outside of a giant sworn of people, paparazzi everywhere. I stepped out and then got Tori out. I heard the paparazzi yell

"Who is that little girl?"

"Did you adopt a child?"

"Are you and Justin parents to the little girl?"

"What's her name?"

"Is she just for the fame?"

Once they said that I stopped walking.

"She is not just for fame, her Name is Victoria and yes we adopted her, she is now my little girl and don't talk to her!"

Then I finally noticed where we were. we were at some show because we were on the red carpet. I didn't expect to be here. I wouldn't have brought Tori but that's okay anyways. We walked down the red carpet and we finally got inside. We weren't at an awards show. We were at Justin's Believe Movie premiere. Which means he'll be signing afterwards so i thought me and Tori would just go get ice cream or midnight fries or whatever she wanted to do we would just have to be back to pick up Justin. We all sat together and waited quietly for the movie to finish. Tori was laughing,crying and any other emotions you could imagine! Once the movie was finished Tori and I left and we went to the frozen yogurt shop and then are and picked justin up at around 11:30 and we all went home. We all jumped in sweats and went to bed together. It was the most perfect night anyone could dream of. I didn't really know when or where to tell Tori that she was going to have a sibling in a couple of months. I should probably wait in case of a miscarriage. The two most important people in my life right here, right now, everything was perfect until I heard something rattling around downstairs....


I know another cliff hanger! I'm mean I know! But this is just kinda a filler so like it's not that good but whateves! 😜 so excited for the next chapter! SOOO MUCH DRAMA! ❤️ buh-bye beliebers!

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