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"Mac, Baby, Where are we going?" I asked. We had been driving for about 2 hours now.

"You'll see when we get there. You look tired, you can go to sleep, were gonna be driving for a while!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, I probably should. But, if you need anything wake me up!" I told her.

"Okay Baby!" She practically yelled at me. The next thing i knew I was waking up looking a Maci. She had pulled over at a rest stop. She fell asleep I looked at the Time. It was 2:30AM. When I fell asleep it was 4:00PM. I opened the door to the car to go get food at the rest stop. She woke up.

"Baby where are you going?" She jumped up.

"Im just going to get food. Do you want anything?" I asked her.

"Yeah, get me a Hazelnut Frappe." She replied.

"Okay!" I leaned over and kissed her.


I thought this was the perfect time to book a hotel for tomorrow. I was planning to go to my moms in Canada, sleep over with Tori tomorrow in a hotel then fly out to The Domincan Republic. I called and we were all ready! Justin got back in a gave me my drink. I started the Range Rover and we were heading to the border. As we were driving, we were listening Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield .

"Turn it up!"I jumped He turned it up.

"FEEL THE RAIN ON YOUR SKIN, NO ONE ELSE CAN FEEL IT FOR YA, ONLY YOU CAN LET IT IN!" I belted. Justin laughed. We got to the border and we were on our way to Canada!

******************************SKIP THE REST OF THE CAR RIDE*******************************************

We arrived at my moms house. Justin saw the for sale sign.

"Why's there a for sale sign?" He asked.

"My mom just doesn't neeed this much space anymore, Dont take it as if she's trying to piss you off justin, she's not!" I told him.

"Okay! Lets go see my baby!" He ran out of the car up to the door.

I knocked. Tori opened the door.

"Honey!! I missed you so much!" Justin hugged her. He was such a good father to her. I can't imagine how he felt when i took her away! My phone started to ring.



Obviosuly I answered.

"Hello?" I answered

"I'm done with this shit. WHAT THE HELL JACK???" I heard her scream

"Jamie? Can you hear me?" She obviously didn't know she called me.

"Help!!! JACK STOP! THAT HURTS." She screamed again. Then I heard a slap and the phone line went dead.

"Justin, come here." I quietly told him

"What is it?" He could see the shock on my face.

"We have to call the police right now. Jamie just called me screaming for help at Jack. He was hurting her. She doesn't even know that she called me. Please Justin we have to help her. I can't let her get hurt anymore." I pleaded at Justin.

"Well, of course! That son of a bitch better not hit her again." He muttered.

I called the police to sned help her way. I told them to tell her Her sister called. She would know what that meant. I called her again. she answered.

"MACI!" She whispered into the phone.

"Jamie are you okay? Whats going on? Where are you know? We sent help!" I asked her a bunch of questions."I'm not okay. Jack is hitting me. I'm in my closet. Thank you. I hear footsteps. Love you! By-''The line went dead again. I was so scared. I had to go get her.

''Justin I have to help her. I have to go. Just stay here the night I'll be back tomorrow.'' I told him. He tried to persuade me to stay but I knew I had to leave. I called Justins pilot and told him he would have to fly me back to California. He said okay and I sped to the airport. At this time it was 6am! When i got there the plane had been started and I immediatley got in. It only took one hour to get there. I arrived at her condo. Jamies car was outside and the tires had been slashed. I went inside and I opened the door quietly. Of course the police haven't been here yet. God. I ran up the stairs to her bedroom. Jack was standing at the end of her queen sized bed. Much smaller than Justins King bed in his mansion. His back was facing me I could see Jamie curled up. Her knees to her chest. I heard her sobbing, she looked up. I signalled her to keep quiet.

''Jack. Let her go.'' He had a baseball bat in his hands. 

'''How did you get here?'' He asked in shock.

''She accidentally called me'' I told him. He looked at me even more angry and raised the bat at me. I stood with all the confidence I could find in my body.

''Oh. By yourself little girl?'' He questioned. The craziness in his eyes is something I'll never forget.

Right then the cops came and they took him away.

''Your Justin Biebers girlfriend right?"I was asked.

''Yes Ma'am'' I answered

''Why don't you just pay his bond right here so we don't detain you or him''

''What do you mean?'' I asked.

''He didnt tell you. What a boyfriend he is.''

''Don't judge him. He is perfectly fine and I will. Whats the charge?''

''He has a DUI''

''What? When did he get the DUI? God.'' I say sighing

I got a call. I didn't wanna answer him. I was so mad he didn't tell me.

''What?'' I said angrily into the phone.


This chapter sucks hahaha, but hey, please vote and comment! Thanksss! :)

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