Baby Bump.

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Song of the week: Work by Iggy Azaela


"I don't know. I'll go check it out!" He whispered back. He turned on our lamp and walked over to the door. He put his hand on the handle on the knob and looked back at me and told me to keep quiet. He walked out and went down the stairs. I ran down the hall to Tori's room. He door was shut and locked. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs, I looked over to see Ryan.

"Thank god it's just you!" I cried.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this." He said sternly. 

Miley was there and brought Justin in so he was standing beside me. They looked at us with no emotion. 

"You two shouldn't be together, it's just not working out!" Ryan said looking between the both of us.

"Yeah, we can't stand to see you two always fighting with each other, it's terrible!" Miley adds on.

"How is our relationship any of your buisness?" Justin asks, I can hear the anger in his voice.

"It's everyone's buisness, you two broadcast it all over for the world to see, then you break up and make up, time and time again!" Ryan says, his fists clenching. 

"Maybe that's how this relationship is. You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend like mine!" Justin says loudly.

"Don't accuse me of being jealous cause I don't have a whore!" Ryan yells at Justin. 

"She's not a whore!" Justin says punching Ryan right in mouth. "Get out of my house you retards, It's too early for this shit!" Justin says stomping to our room. I show them out and Ryan shakes his head disapprovingly at us. I go back upstairs and go to bed with Justin. 


Once I was up, Justin kissed me as soon as I opened my eyes. I laugh a little and we get up to go downstairs.He walked over to me and picked me up. He opened the door and saw Tori sitting at the Kitchen table.

"Morning beautiful!" Justin kissed the top of tori's head and I smiled.

"Morning daddy!" She laughed.

I kissed Tori's cheek and looked at Justin. 

"I'm gonna make some breakfast." He looks at me getting out eggs. 

"Ok, I'm going to go jump in the shower!" I kiss his cheek quickly as I walk by him.

"You could of asked me to shower with you! We haven't done that in a while" he winked at me!

"Next time, I promise!" I laughed at him.

I walk past the first living room and dining room, which were just completely open to each other and then down a long hall, passing about three guest bedrooms. I walk into the bathroom stripping and then starting the water letting it heat up before sliding open the glass doors and stepping inside.

I dried my hair then went to go pick out clothes. I put on some short shorts that were purple with black studs on the back left pocket. Then I put on a black 'I love you to the moon and back' crop top on with some black supras. I went down the stairs and immediately smelled delicious food.

"Yum!" I yelled as I was half way down the stairs.

"Babe! Look at your baby bump!" He smiled.

"I know eh!" I smiled back at him.

We sat down and ate breakfast. Afterwards, I took Tori to her babysitter's. We had forgotten to cancel and she hates when we cancel late so I took her anyways. She likes the other kids! Once I got home Justin took me out on the patio by our pool.

"Have you ever tried having sex outside?" He grinned

"No!" I laughed at him.

"Wanna try it?" he grinned even bigger

"Why not!" I ran over and kissed him. He laid me down on the outdoor counter. He then un-zipped his pants.


Then they had sex obviously!


As soon as we were done he threw me in the pool!

"Ahh!" I screamed!

"I'm coming in!" He ran and jumped in.

We laughed and swam for about an hour. Then we decided to go and visit my sister Jill. She is 6 years older than me so she's 25 and she has a little boy named Austin.. She was super amazing, when we were little she did everything for me! She still does! I love her!







"Jill?" I yelled as we walked through the door.

"In the kitchen!" She yelled back. We went over and saw her bleeding.

"What happened?" I yelled.

"I think I'm having a miscarriage" she looked scared.

"Justin grab Tori from the babysitter and I'll take Jill to the hospital!" I took charge. I ran my sister to the hospital.  I haven't even told her I'm pregnant but I'm sure she can tell by now. When we got there the doctors have her some pain meds and then they checked for a heart beat. We sat for about 5-10 minutes to hear one. The look on Jill's face was so terrible I hated seeing her like this, it was mixed with pain and worry. She's usually such a calm person, so laid back. Now look... The doctor looked at her, Jill's eyes already filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, we can't make out a heartbeat."


Cliff hanger! Sorry! Haha! Hope you like! Comment and Vote please! Love you guys! Buh-Bye Beliebers!

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