One too many Chances.

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I knew i should have just gone with her and she wouldn't have seen anything. I messed up big time. And i had just gotten her back. I always fuck things up. Just when they're going perfectly. Why didn't I just let her go in and see. I could've told her about it. Her phone rang.



I accepted it. It must've been her. she stole my phone? Probably because I had hers.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hi Justin..." Maci mumbled from her tears.

"Baby please I'm so sorry! It's not even mine!" I pleaded.

"How do I know that Justin?" Maci asks, I can hear the pain in her voice.

"Because you've been living with me since the last time we got back together! I wouldn't use it anymore. It was childish to put in and to ever use. I'm sorry." I apologize with all sincerity. I hear her take a deep breath. 

"That's very true." I hear her mumble. She sighs. "Fine, I'm coming home." She says giving up.

"I love you Maci. By the way, Happy Birthday!" I say quickly hanging up. 


"I missed you last night babe." I said as soon as I walked in the door.

"Before anything I've got a surprise for you." He said while jumping up and down.

"Okay..." I laughed a little.

"Come with me to the garage."

"Okay?" I laughed again.

I walked in and the only vehicle that was in there was a Black and Pink Range rover. It had notes taped to every single inch of it, inside and out. I read a few of them.

Dear Mac,


i want you to know how much i appreciate all of the things you do for me. you make me feel needed, wanted, and cared about. when you say you will never lie to me i believe you. you are absolutely amazing. the most amazing person i have ever met. you always make sure i'm smiling, laughing, and having a good time. when i am in your arms i feel so safe and it makes me think i am the luckiest guy in the world to have such an amazing girlfriend .i want to spend the rest of my life with you. you have the most caring heart. for once in my life i feel amazing and wanted. it is unbelievable how i can be myself around you and feel so close to you, i feel like i have known you forever! i couldn't imagine my life without you. i may not be the nicest or the best boyfriend sometimes, and i promise you that i will treat you how you deserve to be treated from now on. when your not around you are ALL i think about! I've never felt this way about anyone in my life. I've never had second thoughts or regrets about us. with all the tears and trouble we've been through its worth it because i got to share my heart with you! you've opened my eyes to love and true happiness! I've never been so certain of anything in my life like i am us! you make my life complete ever since you walked into my life i have been smiling. there hasn't been a night i have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and its all because of you. Baby, i'm glad that you came into my life. I love you! just writing that puts a smile on my face! i just love everything about you, your magical eyes, the sound of your voice and your gentle touch! i cant stop thinking about you when were apart! you mean the world to me, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me! I don't think I could imagine my life without you. I want to one day marry and create a family with you. I want a little you and I running around! Could you imagine how spoiled that kid is going to be? It will be such a magical experience. I love you Maci, the future is our hands now and I can't wait to see what happens on this rollercoaster.

i <3 you

forever and always


I was crying my heart out.

"Justin, you wrote this... I love you so much. Why didn't you send this to me when you wrote it?" I asked while wiping my tears away.

"Because you didn't need me anymore, even when I needed you, I thought you moved on. When I went on tour and we broke up, I didn't have my head clear, I needed you." He answered me.

"Baby I love yo-"

He gently pressed his lips against mine.

"I love you too."

I jumped in the drivers seat of the my new car.

"Get in handsome!" I shouted!

"Okay beautiful!" He shouted back.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"You'll see." I replied to his question.


Hey sorry it's like super short I just really wanted to update because it actually is my birthday! 👌👌👌

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