Chapter 50 Dinner Shows & Foursomes

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She sinks into the bath with a delighted sigh being pulled from her lungs. The heat stinging at her body is gorgeous. Marvellous even. It warms her cold toes right up in a second.

She's got her scented peach candles flickering low on copper on the tiled lip behind her head. Where there also sits a cup of camomile tea. The radio gently croons something 50's, and swinging. Peggy Lee, she reckons. The air is muggy wet steam. Perfumed with the body oil Kylo bought her for Xmas. The one that's the same custom make as her lovely, Floris perfume.

Floral green drips on the air. Jasmine, Peony and Juniper. She slips a couple drops in her bath. It quickly makes the whole hot room smell divine. Softening her skin right up in seconds like wet velvet.

The heat of the silky oily quality of the bath water rips pink at her skin but she doesn't mind it - scours away the stresses and aches of her day. Sorting through old dusty books in the rare section. She felt like she's sneezed approximately ten thousand times today. Eyes rimmed raw where she's rubbed a knuckle at them too much. Bleary with tears and stinging from dust.

She scattered a handful of dried flower petals in too. Floating dotted bobbing in the richly scented waters surface. Sticking to her arms, and her belly. Clinging onto her legs. She sighs in pleasure. Tipping her head back and getting her hair fully wet. Steam rises like smoke from her skin.

Her and Kylo are going out to Dinner tonight. Rather, he insisted on taking her out to La Couronne. To treat her. To celebrate. Her bookshop recently had a glowing write up in a local travel magazine. Named it as one of the best book emporiums in the state. The kind reporter who came to talk to her cited is as 'a haven of sheer Capra-esque quality.

She almost skipped with joy, right round her shop, when she read the more than complimentary review;

'Hemmed into an impossibly quiet and hospitable, twinkle-light-strangled, southern town. Stands a vintage gem of a store, Winslow & Stone books. As charming as it is welcoming. If you want small town enticement, and spades of insightful novels, look no further... this tiny, beating heart of literature Mecca has leagues to offer every hungry bibliophile...'

She'd had wings on her heels ever since the review went to press. Printing her tiny history as a proud small business owner. Flattering her sense of style and the homey feel of her store. She blushes in pride when she read it. Her and Cally beaming ear-to-ear as they read it. Doing silly girly celebratory squeals and dancing around the counter. Evie framed the article to hang on the wall behind the counter.

She'd practically floated home on a high to Kylo. Clutching the magazine to hand (spare copy for him of course) he knew as soon as she bounced through the door all smiling and sunshine pouring gold out the tips of her exuberant fingers, that it had gone well. He kissed her congratulations. Toasted to her success with his plush lips. Bought out a vintage bottle of Bollinger for them too, from the lake house cellar.

They drank it quick and greedy. Shared the frothy fizzy tang of it in slow smooches. Bubbles and joy filling their heads.

And he'd make a reservation, he grinned. Would take his girl out for a haute cuisine meal to toast some more to her new success. Purred for her to put on a fine dress and some sexy pumps so he could take her out and show her off. His sexy-brilliant little entrepreneur

- by that point she'd had three glasses of Bolly, and was practically high off a heavy petting-making out session with him on the lake house couch. Fire going. Moonlight glowing at them. Bouncing off the still waves like a billion shifting crests of silver pennies. She couldn't ever refuse him. Not when he wanted to spoil her and celebrate her achievements.

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