Chapter 6 Scars & Creeps

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*Trigger warnings; violence and bloody gore in this chapter. Aswell as drugging and non consensual sex at the end.*

It was hard for someone like Kylo to take to the foreboding institution that was prison. He was a man who thrived in his own space. Not in being shut in with others.

It hadn't been easy. Right from when he was shuffled in, in shackles, on his first day. His skin already crawling with the starchy scratch of the hideous jumpsuit he'd wrangled himself into, rasping against his skin. The powder smell of the itchy thing burning his nose. For a man who felt most at home in a thousand dollar Brioni suit, and tie, this was a fucking all time low for him. He felt it. And it pissed him right the hell off.

He was escorted in by two thick set guards, his presence surrounded by a throttling, dark cloud of barely restrained fury emanating from his grim expression. They had to go and put full body shackles on him too. A glaring neon sign of humiliation and letting every inmate and guard know he was bad news. His beefy arms linked in front of him, the orange fabric around his arms and thighs stretched to the limit by his frame. Even the biggest size uniform they'd given him still pinched and pulled in places. His dark, dead gaze centred straight ahead of him down the dank hallway, even with the clamour and commotion that was breaking out in the cells around him as he was walked through.

Cries of "Fresh meat." And other shouts of "Hey, pretty boy." setting his teeth on edge. He doesn't give them the satisfaction of a reaction. If one of them so much as came near him, or tried to touch him, god help them. He'd snap bones or limbs. That was a guaranteed promise.

They bring him to the barred wall of a cell, one bunk already filled with a scrawny, lean guy with an angular face covered in scars, one weedy calligraphic tattoo scrawled on his neck that he probably thought made him look like a hard guy. The guard shoves Ren's paltry box of belongings down onto the bottom bunk and sneers for him to make himself at home as his colleague undoes the shackles and sets him loose. Scrawny guy is reading a magazine and trying to size up the sheer heft his new bunk mate.

"You're rooming with O'Malley here, Ren. Try and get along with each other." They sneer. Shoving Ren in the cell. Or, atleast they tried. Those muscles and that strength didn't go anywhere it didn't want too.

With a clang of the cell door, they are shut in together, with the soundtrack of dirty comments coming from surrounding cells about O'Malley having a new 'boyfriend' to play with and thus; the start of Kylo's indeterminable life sentence commences...

The start of his troubles begin when his smarmy cell mate slithers down from his top bunk and does his best to be all top dog with Kylo. He was doing nothing but sitting on his shitty bunk and looking at the few things that he'd bought with him. No photos. No mementos of home. Barely anything rattled around in his possessions box. But his attention was drawn to the puny man who was now trying to intimidate him, stood opposite.

Kylo raises his eyes to him, but otherwise, he stays stock still.

"I wanna make one thing clear. You're not the boss of this place. I am. And if you get in my way, I'll shiv you in the ribs. Ya hear me?" His accent drowning thick with a dumb jersey lilt.

Kylo gives him nothing but icy silence.

That night, O'Malley's sleep is rudely disturbed when something sharp tears across his neck and then a waterfall of wet, warm. Blood. It pours down his chest as he clutches onto his throat, choking for dear life. His eyes bugging out of his gaunt face, that was now splattered with drops of his own blood. A tatted arm wrenches in his collar, the pathetic creep actually whimpers when he's pulled close, and Kylo's mouth is by the snakes ear as he rasps in a calm voice;

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