Legolas: Misunderstandings

Start from the beginning

Thranduil was surprised to hear your request about the meetings. His dear son never attended those and he wasn't expected to. Before he could ask any further, you had thanked him for his time and hurried to your chambers.

So now there were two things that concerned you. One, Legolas had lied to you and two... if he wasn't going to meetings, then where could he be? Or with whom?

You tried to stop your mind from going there... he would never do that to you. Right?

He had told you many times that Elves only fall in love once and you were the one for him. Did he changed his mind?

You were still worrying when Legolas returned from his day with the guard. He didn't talk much, saying he was tired from the exercise and training. After he washed up, he gave you a short peck and went to bed.
That night, you cried yourself to sleep. You tried, you really tried to reassure yourself, repeating over and over again that Legolas would never hurt you. But you had to admit that it didn't look good.

The next morning, you woke up when Legolas left the bed. It was still dark outside, and you held yourself still, pretending to be asleep.

He dressed himself and disappeared into the corridor. As soon as you heard the click of your door, you jumped out of bed and grabbed your robes.

It had crossed your mind for a fraction of a second to follow him, but to be honest... you were afraid of what you might find out.

So instead, you made your way towards your friend's chambers, feeling like you needed to talk to someone.

When you knocked on her door, you realized the time. It was very early in the morning... she would probably be asleep. Your friend was very creative, designing the most gorgeous dresses and jewelry. The seamstresses and blacksmiths used her designs regularly and they were always breathtakingly beautiful. She usually worked until the early hours of the morning too, especially if she had a lot of inspiration. The last thing she needed was having you knock on her door at this ungodly hour.

But when you turned around, the door opened.
(Y/F) gasped when she saw it was you.

"Y/N?" she asked, shocked. She looked behind her and closed the door a bit.

"I'm really sorry to bother you at this hour but... I didn't know where else to go."

"What's wrong?"

"I went to see Thranduil yesterday and it seems Legolas has been lying about being at meetings and... Can I come in?"

"Uhm... can you give me a sec-"

She was interrupted by an all too familiar voice, and your blood went ice cold.

"Hey (Y/F), can you help me with these-... Y/N?" Legolas gasped when he saw you.

You immediately felt the tears coming, cursing your emotional state and tried really hard to keep them in. You couldn't let them know how much they'd hurt you.

"Y/N, meleth nîn, this really isn't what it looks like," Legolas said, rushing to you.

But you raised your hand to stop him.

"This is exactly what it looks like. I was just too blind to see it... I'm sorry that I wasn't enough for you," you answered, voice surprisingly steady.

His face fell when he heard your words, and he looked so lost. You had the urge to wrap your arms around him to make him feel better, but that went away quickly when your mind caught up with your heart.

"Y/N, really, if you could just hear us out-", (Y/F) tried again but you silenced her with a single gesture.

"It's fine... I'm fine," you murmured, obviously not fine. You hesitated for a while, before you turned and disappeared into the dark corridor.

You half expected Legolas to follow you, chase after you... but the halls stayed eerily quiet.

You didn't know how you got to your chambers. You couldn't remember sitting down on the ground, replaying the image of Legolas and your friend over and over again.

In the distance you could hear the door open, but you didn't check. You already knew who it was.

Legolas placed a piece of paper in front of you.

"I wanted it to be a surprise..." he said, voice trembling. You could hear the desperation, the silent plea for you to believe him.

You opened your eyes and stared at the drawing on the paper. It was (Y/F)'s work, you recognized her style immediately.
She designed a beautiful ring, very delicate, with white gemstones imbedded in a small silver band. The stones were so small that they almost looked like a string of fairy lights. It was absolutely gorgeous.

You looked at Legolas, and your heart broke when you saw his expression.

"I would never, ever hurt you, meleth nîn. You mean the world to me," he confessed. "I asked (Y/F) to design a ring for you, so I could finally make you mine officially."

You blinked a few times, before you realized what he just said.

"Does this mean that this is..."

He looked at you lovingly, taking your hands in his.

"Y/N, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Every single day, I want to be the one who wakes up next to you. I want to be your protector, your savior and your shelter. Your shoulder to cry on, your partner in crime, your lover, your friend... Y/N, will you marry me?"

You bit your lip, torn between different emotions. You felt so, so guilty for ruining his surprise. The last thing you expected was an upcoming proposal. But you felt so loved, and touched by his words.


"I am so sorry that I ruined this for you... but yes, of course I want to marry you!"

You hugged him and let the tears flow again. At least this time, they were happy tears.

A/N: The ending was so sappy, I'm sorry :)

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