Thranduil - My Badass Queen

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BLURB with prompt nr 29 (for my 500 followers sleepover on Tumblr)

29: How is my wife more badass than me?

Elvish translations:
mírielêl nín: my sparkling star
meleth nín: my love
mir nín: my treasure


"How is my wife more badass than me? Or my guard?"

It was a sentence Thranduil never thought he'd ever have to say out loud and yet here they were.
'Here' being the forest of Mirkwood, and 'they' were him, his beloved wife and a handful of guards.
Useless guards, Thranduil thought with a frown. Each of them were looking at maintenance duty for the next few months. He glared at them and at least they had the decency to look guilty.

"I don't know, you tell me," you smirked, while looking at the two dead spiders in front of you, satisfied with your work. You grabbed the hem of your cloak and used it to clean your sword.

"Aílon, be a dear and retrieve my dagger for me please," you asked the guard closest to you.

"Certainly, my Queen."

Aílon ran towards the spider who was the furthest away and pulled your dagger out of its head.

"This doesn't change a thing, you do realise that?"

"Oh hush, nobody likes a sourpuss, mírielêl nîn," you smiled, making your way back to your horse. When you passed your husband, you let your finger trace his chin. A silent challenge.

Thranduil scoffed, but you didn't miss the twinkle in his eyes.

"A sourpuss?"

You nodded.

"Yes. You're a sourpuss. Because you always have to have your way. I do not need to have guards at my side at all times." You raised your hand to silence Thranduil when he wanted to interrupt. "I don't, meleth nîn."

One of the guards helped you on your horse and hid your sword and dagger under the train of your cloak.

"I think I've shown you more than once that I can take care of myself."

Thranduil mounted his trusted Elk and let him walk next to your horse, matching its pace. The guards lined themselves up behind the both of you, following on foot.

"I always seem to forget," the Elvenking smiled. "You never fail to amaze me."

"So no more guards?"

He shook his head, closing his eyes in the process. When he opened them again, there was a sadness in them.

"I cannot allow you to enter the forest alone, mir nín."

You knew he wouldn't give in, you had expected this. But that didn't mean you couldn't tease him a little further, push his buttons some more. After all, you had just beaten him and your guards in slaying two giant spiders, before they even knew what was going on.

"Fine, I won't go alone. On one condition," you suggested. "You will be the one to accompany me."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow in question.

You fluttered your lashes at him, playing the innocent part. Clearing the way for your kill. Well, not a kill exactly. Burn would be a better term.

"Yes, my love. You were right, the forest is getting much too dangerous for a lady like myself to be in. I do need someone by my side. And I'd rather have it to be you."

"Of course, meleth. I will make sure no harm comes to you," he promised.

You chuckled.

"No, no, my love. I will defend myself, thank you. However, there is something I can use your strength and skills with."

"And what may that be?"

"Someone needs to carry my sword for me..."

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