Fíli - Trade

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Little drabble based on a gif of Fíli at Bag End


You were listing all your arguments to the council, one by one, trying to convince them to change the ratings for the mountain's export goods. It was the basis of proper trading and it would get you the upper hand in the negotiations with Dale and Mirkwood afterwards, not to mention the Iron Hills. Family or not, Dain was a pain to negotiate with.

It was hardly interesting and it was noticeable to Kíli when he looked around the table. The only ones who were actually paying attention to you were Thorin, Balin, Ori - because the poor lad had to write it all down - and one of the noble dwarves but Kíli suspected him of sleeping with his eyes open so he didn't really count.

He wanted to make a comment about it to Fíli, who was sitting on the other side of the table but to his surprise Fíli was listening intently. He was hanging on your every word, even nodding once in a while when he agreed with whatever you were saying.

Kíli cocked his head and let his eyes shift between you and his brother. Every time you looked his way, Fíli lowered his eyes to the table for a few seconds to avoid being caught and when he looked up, the game started all over again.

Kíli kicked his brother's leg under the table but Fíli only glared at him for a fraction of a second before he fixed his gaze on you again.

Oh, he probably thought he was being so sneaky, Kíli grinned to himself. Fíli definitely wasn't listening because he loved to study the import and export of trading goods, it looked like he was much more interested in studying you instead.

And Kíli wouldn't be Kíli if he didn't start to silently plan something to 'help' his brother dearest...

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