Lindir - Puppy Eyes

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BLURB with prompt 4 (for my 250 followers sleepover on Tumblr)

4: It reminded me of you


Rivendell was a haven of peace and quiet. A shelter for those who were traveling and required much needed rest, or some time to themselves.

There were days when you could hear the leaves fall on the ground, even if you didn't have Elven hearing. Even the most stressed people could relax between the beautiful gardens and fountains.

Today however... Rivendell was in a state of chaos.

Lindir was in conversation with lord Elrond, when they were interrupted by crash sounds and lots of shouting.

Both of the Elves sighed deeply. This could only mean one thing...

"Y/N," they said in unison.

When they stepped into the courtyard, they were greeted with the view of several Elves, a few guards and servants either searching for something underneath the bushes, or too busy putting everything back in place. Lindir swallowed loudly when he noticed the broken flower pots and the angry looks that greeted him.

He smiled apologetically, his eyes searching for you.

"They went that way," one of the guards told him, pointing towards the direction they had seen you take off.

"I can only hope they've caught it by now," one of the female servants complained.

"What happened?" Elrond asked, but Lindir didn't stay to hear it.

If you were involved, it could mean anything. He needed to find you, and fast. You weren't one to follow the rules and always found your own way to do things. Who knew what you were up to.

After some time he found you on your knees, your upper body hidden underneath a giant rose bush.

"Y/N?" he asked. What were you doing?

"Just a minute!" you yelled back, before you grunted and fell on your stomach. Before Lindir could come to your aid, you shouted, "Gotcha!"

You crawled from underneath the bush, your hair tousled and decorated with rose petals and leaves. Lindir had to admit you looked very cute this way. But then his eyes fell on the little furry bundle in your hands, wriggling and doing its best to break free.

"Lindir!" you gasped, still a bit out of breath from your chase.

He raised an eyebrow and gave you a stern look. He spent way too much time with Elrond, you thought, if he's starting to mimic his expressions.

"Care to explain?"

You cradled the furball in your arms.

"It's a puppy, Lindir." You rolled your eyes. "Our puppy, actually."

He gasped. "Please tell me you didn't..."

"I just thought it would be good practice you know..." you pouted, "For when we have a family of our own. Now we kind of do..."

"Y/N, I'd love to start a family one day with you, but... a puppy? Seriously? You saw what he did to the courtyard just a few minutes ago!"

"Okay fine, I lost sight of him for one moment, yes. But I caught him, didn't I?" you said, turning your attention to the puppy. "Yes, I did. I caught you! Look at you, you're so cute!"

"Besides, he reminded me of you," you smiled and you placed the dog in his hands.

"Why? Because he's smelly and drools all over the place?"

You laughed. The puppy barked and tried to lick Lindir's face. He immediately held him as far from his face as possible, his nose crunched in disgust.

"That too, but also because he's adorable and extremely cute! He has the same puppy eyes as you!"

"I do not have puppy eyes!"

"Y/N! Lindir!"

Elrond walked towards the both of you.

"I apologize for all the chaos I caused, lord Elrond," you quickly apologized. Lindir shoved the puppy back in your arms.

"I believe my gift has something to do with it?" Elrond asked, the corners of his lips twitching when he noticed Lindir's surprised look.

You nodded. The puppy looked at Elrond, curious about the new playmate.

"I knew you would like him," Elrond smiled.

"He has the same puppy eyes as Lindir."

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