Kíli - Power Outage

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Modern!Kíli x fem!reader


You peeked over the edge of your blanket for a few brave seconds before closing your eyes as soon as the music swelled again, a small whimper escaping through your lips.

This was such a horrible idea.

The movie you were watching was one of those creepy ghost movies you would normally skip immediately when they were airing or try to avoid as much as you could on movie nights with your friends. You weren't a fan of horror movies or movies with a lot of jump scares in them in general and therefore avoided watching them altogether. If the plot asked for a serial killer or the movie started with a group of friends, only to end with one sole survivor, you were out.

So why put yourself through this?

Because of Kíli...

Kíli really liked horror movies and you really liked Kíli. It was as simple as that.

A few days ago you went out with your group of friends as usual, Kíli and his brother Fíli among them, and the conversation turned to your weekend plans. Some of your friends wanted to go to the movies on Saturday to see the latest horror movie and Kíli in particular was incredibly enthusiastic about it, trying to coax you into going with them.

You said you didn't want to go multiple times, but Kíli wouldn't stop bugging you about it, and when he started pouting in an attempt to persuade you, you finally cracked and told him there was no point in you tagging along since you hated horror movies. You preferred staying home by yourself.

A dramatic gasp escaped Kíli's throat, silencing the entire table and you looked down when everyone stared at you two. They quickly resumed their conversations though as if nothing had happened and you sighed in relief. You never liked being the center of attention.

Kíli however was convinced you were missing out and there was no way you two could stay friends if you didn't watch at least one horror movie with them.

For the better part of that day and the following days Kíli's words kept running through your head. You couldn't let something silly as your fear of horror movies ruin your friendship - or any chance of something more - so you knew what you had to do.

And that brings you to your current predicament: sitting on your couch with your favorite snacks within reach and huddled in your thick comfort blanket, trying really hard to get through watching a horror movie by yourself, even though you knew you probably wouldn't be able to sleep for a few nights.

Like you said, a horrible idea.

You were only thirty minutes in and you missed more than half of it because every time the music swelled even the tiniest bit you ducked underneath your blanket.

You should've asked Kíli to come and watch it with you, you thought when you nipped at your tea. Maybe he would wrap his arm around you, puff up his chest and tell you not to worry because he would protect you, he would pull you closer during the scary scenes - which was basically the entire movie to your opinion - and then maybe when you were hiding in the crook of his arm, he could lift your chin with his hand and you would meet his eyes, Kíli would lick his lips being a little overwhelmed by your proximity, perhaps lower his head and then slowly-

You jumped when your phone went off, almost spilling your tea in the process and you clutched your chest trying to get your heartrate down again.

"He's worth it," you repeated a couple of times before you answered the call.


"Finally! What were you doing that was far more important than picking up your phone?"

You couldn't stop the smile on your lips as soon as you heard his voice.

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