Bilbo - Water

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Based on a gif of Bilbo in the water with a barrel


"Do you need help?" you asked, your hand outstretched to the Hobbit in front of you.
"No, I'm perfectly fine thank you," he answered, waving his hand towards you in an attempt to usher you away. The barrel he was holding on to almost tipped over and he hurriedly grabbed it for support.

"You don't look alright," you said, putting your things down at the riverside, next to Bilbo's tipped basket with tomatoes and the remaining barrels. "And since I know for a fact you can't swim, I am right to assume you fell in?"

Bilbo stuttered and huffed, appalled at the assumption you just made. Proper Hobbits didn't fall in water, if they found themselves in a river or lake it was entirely by choice, thank you very much.

"If you must know, I saw this barrel floating away and I jumped in to try and retrieve it," Bilbo tried his best to convince you. He would have gotten away with it if he didn't look so panicked and if he didn't have his fingers clutched around the edge of the barrel as if his life depended on it. Which was probably true, since he couldn't swim.

You felt the corners of your lip twitch and you had a hard time keeping them from turning into a smile.

Bilbo closed his eyes.

"You saw me fall into the water didn't you?" He sighed.

"Are you asking me if I saw you trip over your own feet? Or if I saw you throw your basket with tomatoes to safety while you tried to grab onto one of these barrels as a last resort to keep you from falling? Or if I saw you tumble into the water with barrel and all because you didn't know it was empty, so it toppled over the minute you grabbed it?" you said, surprisingly keeping a straight face while you helped Bilbo climb onto the edge.

His clothes were soaked, his hair stuck to his forehead and he looked very, very embarrassed, poor thing.

"Because in that case... No, can't say that I have," you laughed.

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