Aragorn - Promises

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Angst prompt nr 1: "I'm leaving." "Of course you are, that's the only thing you know how to do."


You were cleaning up the kitchen, scrubbing everything a little too hard. You were too frustrated to do this kind of work, but you had to do something to keep your hands busy.

Aragorn's cold dinner still stood on the table completely untouched, ready to be thrown out for the pigs and chickens. Again. It was the umpteenth time this month that he didn't show up when he said he would.

You didn't mind that he was away from home a lot, you knew what it would be like when you lost your heart to a ranger, a Dúnedain of the North.

But you hated how he kept promising you to be home at a certain time or period, for him to break that promise every time again and again. Sometimes he did come home when he said he would, but only to repack some things and leave again for a couple of days.

To be honest, you had enough. You missed him too much.

The worst thing of all was that you had the impression that he didn't miss you at all when he was away. He seemed to have no problem with leaving you alone all the time. Did he still love you? Or was he away this much because he wanted to escape you?

Your thoughts were interrupted when Aragorn entered the house. He was dirty and tired.

He kissed your head and sat down at the table, silently eating his cold dinner.

You watched him eat, trying to figure out what was going on in his head. Aragorn wasn't the one to talk about his feelings, bottling everything up instead.

Not once did he meet your eye. It only fed your insecurities even more. He hadn't seen you in days, and still he barely acknowledged your presence. This was a clear sign his love for you was gone... right?

When he was done, he gave you his dirty plate and kissed your forehead.

"Thank you for dinner. I'm going to take a bath."

He took his bag with him and went to the chamber in the back to wash up, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

After almost an hour, he returned. You were sitting in your chair, fiddling with the necklace Aragorn bought you when you were just together. When it was simpler times, happier times too.

"I'm leaving," he said.

And sure enough, when you looked up, he had changed into a fresh pair of clothes and a full bag with whatever he always took with him on his 'missions'. It was the same as always, he only came home to change. You couldn't even remember the last time he had slept in your bed with you.

You felt the anger and sadness consume you, battling for the upper hand. Angry tears rolled down your cheeks.

"Of course you are, that's all you know how to do!"

Aragorn stared at you, surprised at your outburst but he didn't react. You shoved your chair back with a loud screech, and stomped past him to your bedroom, slamming the door.

After ten minutes, you finally heard the door creak open and you heard him walk towards your bed. The mattress dipped when he sat down next to your huddled form.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he said softly, testing the waters.

You sniffed. "Would it have made a difference if I had?"

Aragorn started rubbing your back. "Still, I want to know how you feel..."

You slowly turned around to look at him. "Do you?"

Your reaction surprised him. "What do you mean?"

"It means, Aragorn, that I don't even know if you still love me at this point. You're never around. Never. The only time when I see you is when you come home to clean yourself up and change your clothes. You barely talk to me, and leave within the hour. Does that sound like love to you?"

Your tears were flowing freely again. Aragorn wiped them away with his thumbs, cupping your cheeks at the same time.

"I've been such a fool," he breathed. "I became so absorbed with keeping the village and our surroundings safe that I forgot about my greatest treasure..."

"Don't lie to me," you whispered, you didn't dare to believe his words.

He placed a gentle kiss on your nose.

"I'm so sorry, my love. I won't leave, my place is here. With you."

He kicked off his boots and laid down next to you. You immediately cuddled into his chest, and he instinctively wrapped his arms around you.

"Promise?" you asked, letting your hand trail down his stomach.

He smiled at you and you could see the love in his eyes, and something else that promised you little sleep tonight.

"I promise."

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