Fíli - Broken Promises

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Featuring my OC Tullaina

Warnings: OOC Fíli under the influence of dragon sickness, angst, angst, angst (I'M not SORRY), Kíli being a good friend


Complete and utter silence. Only the soft sound of paper sliding over paper could be heard when she turned a page every few minutes.

Tullaina savoured these rare moments where she could spend some time alone, curled up with a book in one of her many secret hiding spots.

When they finally settled down in Erebor, she had spent her first few months exploring the mountain, in search of quiet little nooks and corners like this one.

Her quiet time alone was short-lived however. Hurried footsteps could be heard in the distance, coming closer at an alarming pace.

"Tullaina?" A familiar voice called out.

Tullaina sighed. One less secret hiding spot, so it seemed.

She spotted Kíli standing beneath the high window sill she was resting on, his eyes wide with worry.

"Tulls! Come down from there," he shouted, waving at her to spur her on. "Come on, hurry up!"

"What is it?" she asked him, and she jumped down with practised ease. If he was trying to persuade her into pranking Thorin again, by Durin's beard, she was definitely going to give him a piece of her mind. A very pointy piece. In the form of an arrow in his butt.

"It's Fíli," he breathed.

Her blood ran ice cold and she was certain the color had vanished from her face. There were so many reasons why Kíli could be distraught about his brother's well-being and each and every single one of them was bad.

She followed her best friend through the corridors of the mountain, all the way to the Royal wing. The guards stationed there nodded at her when they passed, they knew her well, she was courting the crown prince after all. Tullaina had refused a room in the Royal Wing, feeling as if she didn't deserve it, and instead settled for a chamber with the rest of the Company, a few hallways further down. Once Fíli and her were married, she was going to relocate to the royal chambers, but for now, she felt more at peace where she was.

Kíli halted in front of Fíli's chambers.

"Will you finally tell me what's wrong?" Tullaina asked him. "Is he hurt?"

He was completely fine this morning, he would spend the entire day doing his royal duties. That could hardly be considered dangerous, but you never know. He was a Durin after all.

"It came true..." he said, his voice low, as if he was telling her a secret. "He wanted to try it, even though Uncle said it wasn't a good idea. But you know him Tulls, he always wants to prove himself. A-and it went well, he didn't feel anything at all the first few times he went there but now... You have to get him out of it, Tulls! He'll listen to you!"

"Kíli, what are you talking about?" she questioned him. Why couldn't he get to the point for once in his life?

"It's the dragon sickness..."

She didn't wait another moment, her hands flew to the doorknobs and she pushed the heavy double doors open. It could not be true. He couldn't... he promised.

Fíli stood leaning over his desk, in full regalia, something he normally hated. When he had to wear it to formal events, he never stopped complaining. How it was too heavy, how it made him stand out, he didn't like being the center of attention, ... Now he seemed to wear it with pride.

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