Fíli - Always Yours

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Anon requested: If you do requests, I would love a Fili one! Specifically, his hobbit gf who has short hair tells him she's going to grow it out so that he can finally put it in braids <33


"You're staring again," she said without taking her eyes off the page of her book. As handsome and charming as her companion was, the story she was reading was too intriguing and she really wanted to know what the heroine would do next.

But there came no response to her comment and eventually her curiosity got the best of her. She peeked over the edge of the paper, straight into the bright blue eyes of her intended.

"See? I knew I was right," she teased with a smile.

Fíli chuckled, the sound reverberating in his chest, making her smile even wider. There truly wasn't a lovelier sound.

"Such beauty as yours is meant to be admired, ibrizinlêkhê, you cannot fault me for doing so."

She twirled a lock of hair around her finger as she resumed her reading, a blush colouring her cheeks at the given praise. Even after months of courting she still wasn't used to the numerous compliments Fíli showered her with.

"Your hair's getting quite long," Fíli commented as he let his fingers glide through her deep brown curls. "I suppose it's almost time to cut it again."

She didn't miss the disappointment in his voice, even though she knew he'd tried to hide it. She usually let her curls grow until it reached her shoulders, or until it was at 'proper Hobbit-length' as she'd always say, before the scissors would appear. Even though Fíli knew hair wasn't as important to Hobbits as it was to Dwarrows, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness every time his future wife took out the scissors.

But now it almost brushed her collarbones, the longest it had ever been and Fíli loved it. How the curls danced around her face as she was running around the kitchen, cooking yet another feast, or how they framed her perfectly round face as she was engrossed in one of her books, shielding her from prying eyes. His fingers itched to braid her auburn locks, to take three strands and weave them together, following an all-too-familiar pattern, sealing it with a bead containing his sigil and making her truly his in the eyes of Mahal. But he respected her too much, and the last thing he would want for her was to abandon her own culture.

"About that..." she began, pulling him out of his thoughts. She went to the heavy wooden chest of drawers, took something out of the top drawer and placed it in his hand with a shy smile. A pair of scissors.

Fíli's eyes went wide at the suggestion. "You cannot ask me to... I can't-"

He loved her with all his heart, she was his whole world without any doubt, and there wasn't anything he wouldn't do if she asked him to, but this request was really pushing his limits.

The Hobbit girl laughed, her giggles like tiny bells in the evening breeze, and she folded her small hands around his large one holding the scissors, closing it with an encouraging squeeze.

"I don't want you to use them," she reassured him, "I want you to keep them, since I have no need for them anymore."

Fíli stared at her, his features twisted in confusion, before he realised what it meant. He dropped the scissors and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest, the book she was reading toppling to the ground but neither of them noticed. As he let go of her, his hands moved from her waist to cup her cheeks, brushing a strand of hair out of her face with his thumb.

"I know how important this is to you, and your kin. You've done so many things to make me feel at home. So I decided I wanted to grow out my hair, long enough for you to braid it. And I think we're there, don't you?"

Fíli positively beamed with happiness, blinking a few times as if he couldn't believe what had just occurred. He closed the already small distance between them with a small tug, and kissed her hard, a kiss full of passion and promises and want.

As they separated, both catching their breaths, he took something out of his pocket, and opened his hand, revealing a silver bead. "I've carried this with me ever since we started courting, but I never thought... Ibrizinlêkhê, would you do me the honour of letting me braid your hair?"

She smiled, her eyes a little teary at the sheer happiness and nodded. "Always."

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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