Aragorn - Don't Worry About Me

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Aragorn x fem!reader

Requested: Yes! Anon requested: "Hi! I was wondering if you could do an imagine/one shot with ma boi aragorn? So the reader is a traveler and is very well-versed in surviving on her own, and maybe meets Aragorn in the Prancing Pony? Or maybe just on the road. They kinda find each other every once in a while and soon grow feelings for each other. And the next time they see one another, they confess? Sorry if it's too vague or whatever, let me know if it is and I'll add more! Also, reader is female, please! Thank you!"

Warnings: some f-bombs, several mentions of blood, description of injury, bad writing.
This gets pretty angsty towards the end, but it has a happy ending!

A/N: Wow... I can't tell you how much I struggled with this one and I'm still not happy with how it turned out. But I'm afraid that if I keep editing it, I will ruin it even more.
And I learned that I can't write fight scenes for the life of me :)
This was sitting in my drafts for weeks, taunting me and tutting every time I posted someone else's request. I wrote and rewrote this oneshot so many times, I can't even tell you which version this is :)

'Don't Worry About Me' by Frances was the song I kept playing to get in the mood for this story.

You were a traveler by nature. Wandering from one place to the other, with no destination in mind.
Nature was your home, no permanent residence needed. You'd probably feel trapped if you had to stay in the same place for too long.

Being a wanderer meant that you were also a bit of an adventurer. You weren't actively looking for danger, but you didn't shy away from it either. Damsel in distress? You didn't know her!
If you encountered an Orc or other scum, you killed it. It's as simple as that.

That was one of the many reasons why you and Aragorn got along so well.
He was your travel companion most of the time. You didn't talk too much, mostly kept a comfortable silence while you crossed half of Middle Earth together.
Sometimes one of you would stray off the joined path for a sidequest or personal matters, but you always found your way back to each other.

Right this moment, you were waiting for him in the Prancing Pony.
It had been ages since the last time you were here. You weren't a fan of people in general, and the loud noise and the stench of ale mixed with sweat and men made you remember why you didn't return here earlier.
You kept your face hidden, hood pulled over your head as far as you were able to. The last thing you wanted was to draw the attention of the drunken men around you, thinking they had some kind of claim on you just because you were female and alone.

Aragorn was late, as usual. You hadn't seen each other in months, since he had other business to take care of, and you were more excited than you'd care to admit when you received his request to meet up in Bree.
Spending a lot of time together cannot stay without consequences. Feelings were involved - at least on your side - no matter how hard you tried to suppress them.
Aragorn was handsome, sure, but his heart was good. A kind soul, fighting for the little guy and protecting those in need, ready to help whenever he could. He respected everything and everyone, being the perfect gentleman. How could you not fall in love?

It was because of his good nature that you two had met in the first place. Well, you didn't have that good of a start, arguing about a rabbit of all things. You still chuckled every time you thought about it...


You were walking through a forest in the North. You really didn't have a destination in mind, you were just wandering around. Seeing what life would throw at you.
Forests always had this calming effect on you. The rustling of the leaves, the warm colours, the life it contained... it was a home to many, including you.

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