Fili - Knight in Shining Armor

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Fíli x fem!reader

Requested: Nope. I had this idea this morning and I felt the need to write it down. I didn't proofread so it's probably full of mistakes since I kind of wrote this while I was frustrated about something my partner said to me. I'll revise it soon.

Warnings: angry Fíli, some f-bombs

A/N: I don't think they have ice scream in Erebor or Laketown but I couldn't think of a decent alternative. So let's say they have that :)

The fight was long, since neither of you wanted to give in.
You and Edvard, the person you thought was your one true love were screaming at each other, despite your throat being sore and hoarse from all the previous crying.

It all started pretty innocent really, you were only upset because he wanted to go to the pub. His friends were throwing a party for whatever reason, but you knew he would just be getting drunk again. And drunk Edvard was someone who had no boundaries left and to be honest, you were afraid of him. So you wanted to stay home.
You asked him polite at first, but when he refused, saying you couldn't tell him what he should or shouldn't do, you made him choose between you and the party.
You told him if he left he shouldn't bother to come back. You lost.

He slammed the front door on his way out, leaving you alone. Your knees finally giving in, you crashed down on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

When you tried to pull yourself together after a couple of minutes, your face was covered in tears and snot. You didn't really care what you looked like at this point. It's not like you had to look good for anyone. Not anymore. That thought was enough to get the waterworks going again.

The sound of the door slamming and his angry face kept playing in front of your eyes for a while. Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

Until you heard a loud knock on your door.

You really didn't want to see anyone right now. With a sigh you got up from the floor and sauntered to the front window, your curiosity getting the upper hand.

You sighed when you saw who it was, slapping a hand over your mouth to suppress the loud sob that was trying to escape. Of course he would come right now.

Fíli. Your childhood best friend and heir to the throne of Erebor. Not that his title mattered to you. To you he was just Fíli, the boy who took you on adventures when you were little, the only one who could make you laugh so hard you snorted, to comfort you when you were scared and the one to whom you could pour your heart out.

But most of all he was the one who's heart would never be yours...
If you didn't answer the door, he would just keep knocking until you did. He'd never liked Edvard and he would be worried if you didn't open up.

Fíli always worried about you. You two used to joke around saying you should just marry each other one day, usually after one of you went through some heartbreak.

He didn't know that deep down you actually kind of meant it...

He knocked again, a little harder this time and he called your name, pulling you out of your thoughts. You had to answer or he was going to break down the door.

"H-hey Fíli! What's up?" You cringed at how fake it sounded, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Edvard is going to a party tonight without you? What happened?" he asked, stepping inside.

"W-what? What are you talking ab- how do you know?"

He turned around, and smiled at you.

"I was there with Kíli and Dwalin, when he entered the pub. When I noticed you weren't with him, I came here to make sure you were alright."

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