Chapter 29:

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Jimin frowns as Jungkook and IU giggle on the couch. It's 6:43pm and the tired mochi had woken up, for once, in an empty bed. Instead of being overjoyed at the olders departure he found it strangely, disheartening? Cold? Loney? Yes, lonely-- Wait no he meant cold, no way he missed that perverted jerk. 

“Morning baby.” Jungkook greats motioning him over. Jimin blinks before moving to sit by his side. “IU this is Jimin, Jimin this is Jienu.” IU smiles and shakes his hand.

“Nice to meet you Jimin.” 

“Nice to meet you too Miss.” Jimin mumbles.

Jungkook smiles fondly and runs a hand through the youngers wet hair pulling his head onto his shoulder. “So did Kim sign over the port?”

“Ani, he's stalling.”

“We need it by Saturday, that gives you 3 days to talk him into it, I don't pay you to make friends.” Jimin's eyes flutter shut as his breathing starts to even out. ‘He’s warm,’ a small smile engulfs his lips. 

“I will.” IU nods her head, a determined smile cressing her lips.

“Good, you may leave us now.” IU swiftly exits the house leaving Jungkook to coo at his baby that had subconsciously snuggled into his side well he was sleeping.


“Stay in the car baby boy.” Jimin yawns nodding slightly.

Jungkook smiles grimly as he turns to the club. “Lock the doors.” Not even sparing the driver a glance he punches in the code before opens the door.

He nods to Yoongi before heading into the meeting room.


“Poor baby.” Jungkook mumbles as he wraps his arms around the youngers waste. “I didn't mean to keep him out here this long.” 

Jungkook runs his hand through the youngers hair, “take us home.”

Next chapter is the last chapter, Ima be honest and say I dont really like the way I ended this book cause it seems kinda sudden but idk

Anyways to since this is tecnicly the first story Ive finsihed on wattpad Ima do a Q and A for you guys! At the end of the last chapter I will be giving 10 fun facts about the book and ansewering any of your questions for me or any other chacters. So leave your questions here please.

Ps after the Q and A ends if your leave questions and I see them if and when I check in on this book Ill try to answer in the commets :)

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