Chapter 20:

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“Morning baby.” Jungkook whispered into Jimin’s ear bitting it lightly.

A groan escaped the youngers lips as he rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

“It's 8 in the morning you need to wake up.” Jungkook winnes childishly.

“But ‘m tired.” Jimin winnes back. 

Jungkook rolls his eyes, letting out a sigh and slings his arm around the younger shoulders. “Nooo.” Jimin tries to roll out of the olders arms. 

“Sush.” Jungkook pulled the younger closer. Pulling the covers over both of them.

“-Jungkook, Jungkook.” Jimin shook the oldest arm as he glanced at the unknown boy who had entered the room moments before.

“What is it baby?”

“Baby huh?” Taemin grinned. 

Jungkook cracked his eyes open and glared at him. 

“Got to admit, he is cute.” Taemin's eyes traveled over the poor boy who nervously gripped the oldest arm.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around the youngers waist, ignoring the fact that his shirt was casually draped over his front to hide his chest. “Get out.” 

Taemin smirks, winking at the younger and treading out the door. 

Jungkook turns and eyes the younger darkly. “Why don't you have a shirt on.” 

“I was changing.” Jimin mumbled softly.

Jungkook sighs again, taking another second to appreciate the youngers upper half he kisses Jimin’s forehead. “Next time lock the door, only I'm aloud to see you like this.” He huffs.

“Baby come here.” Jungkook pats his lap as he grins at the red faced blonde.

“Leave me alone.” The younger lets himself fall back into the recliner. Extending the foot rest out.

“No can do love,” Jungkook walks over to the recliner and stradels the younger. “You know,” he whispers into Jimin’s ear, hands falling to the youngers hips, trailing up from his hips and under the youngers loose white blouse “that shirt looks really good on you.” He nibbles on his ear. “And those tight pants make your ass look--” he leans up to the flushed younger and nips and his lips before--

The recliner crashes into the wooden floor boards, “get off me you ape!” The younger snaps out of his daze and with rosey cheeks shoves the smirking boy away before rolling out of the chair with what Jungkook could only describe as an adorable huff.

Double update as a thx for waiting for so long ;)

Kidnapped(Jikook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora