Chapter 11:

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Jungkook slammed Jimin against the wall. Holding his hands above his head. “Baby boy, tell me who you belong to.” Jungkook rasped out, slipping the blindfold over his eyes and discarded his mask.

“N-no one.”

Jungkook smirked. Kissing up his neck gingerly before sucking harshly. “Who do you belong to?”

Jimintried desperately not to let the tears well in his eyes his figure trembling. “No one.” Jimin said firmer this time.

Jungkook sunk his teeth into his shoulder harshly.

“Ahh!” Jungkook harshly sucked on the milky skin leaving a trail of hickeys across the younger's neck.

“Aww baby don't cry.” Jungkook cooed. Wiping the tears from his chubby cheeks. “I'm just making sure he can see you're mine.” Jungkook lowered his head to add a few more hickeys to Jimin’s milky white neck.

Jimin continues to let the silent tears stream down his face. Trembling as he felt his captors hot lips press and suck his skin.

“Shh, that’s not so bad is it?” Jungkook cooed trailing his fingers around the trail of hickeys. “Now baby, who do you belong to?”

Jimin trembled, “y-you.” He whispered dejectedly.

Jungkook grins, kissing his button nose, “and don't forget it.”

Sorry its short but hope you lie it anyways😊💜

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