"Look how pretty" Jimin says as he shows me his phone. It seems he took a picture of me and the view.

"That's a good one. Send it to me" I say with a smile. I grab his phone out of his hands.
"Sure" he says observing what I'm doing with his phone.

I hook my arm around his neck, taking selfies including the view. Hoseok soon joins us, accompanied with V. We were soon having a full on photoshoot, even Jungkook joined in. It seemed I managed to get him in a good mood for the day.

Good job, me.

Yeri and Namjoon were on stand by, talking to each other-or more like scowling with each other. What are they even talking about?

I push them gently towards the view.

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asks over his shoulder. I distance myself as I take out my phone. I, at least, need one picture of the both of them.

"Smile" I say as I look through my phone to see them actually smiling, awkwardly standing next to each other.

"Jeez, put your arm around her or something" I tell Namjoon. He gets flustered but does as told. They look so stiff that it's actually funny.

"Photobomb" Hoseok cheers as he runs through the photo.
"Get in here" I tell the rest of the group and they all get into the frame.

"What about you?" Taehyung asks with a pout.
"Hold up" I say as I approach someone who looks reliable enough.

The most reliable people are the ones with children. I don't see any children and I'm definitely not breaking up that couple. Guess this guy will do...

(French in italics.)

"Excuse me, Sir. Do you mind taking a photo of us?" I try to look polite as I smile.
"Of course young lady" the guy says as he takes my phone. I head back to the group and we all smile for the camera.

"Thank you" I tell the guy as I hold out my hand for my phone again.
"No problem" he says as he hands me back my phone-wait-my phone isn't this light.

He starts walking away. I see him taking the stairs. I half glare at the guy. I look at the piece of crap he returned. A fake phone.

A normal tourist wouldn't notice the difference right away giving him enough time to flee. I'm not going to make a scene in front of everyone.

"I'm quickly going to the bathroom. Be right back" I tell the group and head down the stairs. I see the guy running.

I basically leap down the stairs. This guy doesn't even notice me, too occupied as he speed walks down the stairs.

What do I have that I can throw?

I could break a pole on the way but I think that will only cause more problems. I didn't bring my gun today because I was out with Jungkook.

I chase him the old fashioned way. He finally notices me and speeds up, swearing underneath his breath as I approach him at a rapid speed.

He doesn't get far as I kick his face into the stairs. He groans as he is sprawled over the stairs with my foot at the back of his head.

"You gonna give my phone back?" I ask as I push his face further into the floor. He groans as I notice blood starting to leak out.

"I'll take that as a yes" I coldly say as I search his backpack. I open it to find a few more phones.
"Aish, causing more problems for me" I say as I take his backpack and sling it over my shoulder.

"Consider yourself lucky today" I say as I get off him. He was lucky. I would have thrown him off the Eiffel Tower. I've done it before since it's a very easy excuse of a death-suicide.

I start my climb up the stairs. I notice Jungkook walking down as well. I run up the stairs, seeming to be in distress.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" I call out his name once we get into clear view of each other. He suddenly gets worried at my flustered state.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asks.
"Someone's hurt. Call an ambulance" I say with wide eyes.
"W-what?!" Jungkook asks, shocked. I continue running up the stairs.

"I'll go get help!" I yell over my shoulder. Jungkook starts running down the stairs.

I smile to myself as I slow down my pace once no one noticed. I could care less if he broke his nose or even bled out but it was super interesting to see Jungkook's reaction.

I rush up the last few flights of stairs and head to information in a rush. Namjoon and Jin seemed to notice my so-called distress.

I was already talking to a worker in clear distress. I was falling over my words while the worker tried to calm me down. I explained that someone was hurt and he called head office for medical support.

"What's happening?" Namjoon asks once I finished talking to the guy.
"Someone got hurt" I say with a pale face.

"What-just now? Here?" Jin asks, clearly surprised. You never think accidents will happen this close to you, especially on holiday, so it's only natural to be shocked.

"Yeah" I simply say with a nod and the guy interrupts.

"Can you show us where it happened?" The guy asks me with the medical team behind him.
"Yeah. At the stairs. This way" I say and quickly turn to Namjoon and Jin.

"I'll meet up with you guys at ground level. This might take a while" I say and lead the group of people to the injured guy.

Aish, this is taking time away from everyone else...

(I do not own the video.)

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