Ch 19 The Festival

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Ch 19 The Festival
"First night of the Red moon"
//Change the name Ichika to Eryl//

Hearing the familiar voice that called Alilya.
she smiled and waved as response for calling her.

Tooru also heard it he also waved with a closed eye smile.

「yo!, Haven't seen you for a while.」

Tooru said in a joyous manner combined with a blissful they walked towards Chloe who wear a fake smile on her face whilst the corner of her mouth twitches.

「Likewise brother-in-law」

She said with a fake smile. Even though they greeted each other they are on very bad terms.

『Iv'e stated on the letter that the only ones I wanted to meet is Alilya and my two adorable nieces.』
She mumbles to herself And spotted Elizabeth.

「Oh, hello who might cute girl be?」

Chloe who smiled at Elizabeth.

「Aria-neesan's daughter I presume」

「no, remember how until now Aria-chan hasn't been married yet」

「I guess so... Wait Hoho~ so Aria-nee is still single 」

「well, even though she wanted to she still hasn't found the one and dragons live for a long time so it's fine」

Alilya bent down and petted Miyu

「Also she is always busy in Guild master stuff」

Alilya rejected the idea

「Why don't you introduce yourself」

「I am Elizabeth I am Yuzuko's freind」

she introduced herself with a little courtesy

「I am currently freeloading at Yu-chans place」

hidden behind her skirt a child who's get a hold of her as she peeked and saw she though someone familiar thought she can't remember.

It's a Girl with cat ears, dark colored hair, and a expression that disregards what happening around her.A book in hand immersed in reading often smiling.

『why does she feel familiar?』she asked herself and continued to look at her cousin

Chloe noticed her child's curious stare towards her niece. Looks want to talk but will not approach her cousin. Chizu the young half elf that Chloe took in take notice of it and introduced herself.

「I am chizu, I am someone mistress took in pleased to meet you」

The girl who is hiding behind Chloe skirt finally introducing herself.

「I- I am Eryl pleased to meet you」

The group went to a nearby weirdly named Restaurant 【I love Noodles!】

I Got Reincarnated Into another World :will it be bad or not?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt