ch 10.1 the great tree in the forest of jako

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A young boy with his mother playing at the park with his little sister on his back on a piggy back ride

"Onii-chan your strong"as her brother put her down

"Strong right!thats why I am gonna protect you"he boasted posing like he has muscles

The little girl giggles on his remark.

"Tooru,sayu time for lunch"the mother called as they run towards her.

They chattered about the day
but suddenly unexpected happen

A black van appeared and men in black clothing got down and approached their mother.

"Well be taking you as compensation to all of your debts"said man in black no1

"I beg please,We will pay you just dont my children will be left alone"said their mother pleading

"Nope, boss said you are overdue so I be taking you "he said as he grasped her wrist pulling her.

"Wait I have something to tell to my children"she said pleading

"Tch,be quick and dont dare try to escape"the man in black said releasing his grip.

She approached the two kids and said

"Tooru take care of your little sister,mother will be gone for a while"she said with smile before she was pulled in the van and was gone

"Mama Dont go"was his last word before the van drifted away"

{End of flash back}

A day have passed
The sun shone bright light passing throught the windows of the tree.the tree is no ordinary it is very huge enough to have a house within.

The light shone and lit the room brightly over a little girl who is in the embrace of her loving mother.the little girl shot awoken by the light.cunfused on why she cannot get up she look at the cause suprised she uttered some words

Yuzuko's pov

'why is mama here?,I though I was waiting for alilya- san to come back' I though looking at the sleeping face of mama.
'Well before that why I am dreaming about that?'suddenly tears flown on my face.

'Maybe I that it might happen, nonono It will wont' I though suddenly something wiped brushed off her mama"whats wrong baby why are you crying I am worried mama's not gonna leave you"she said as hugs me really thight'oh! Thats right I have a new family,I got nothing to worry about also sayu is independent and lives faraway'I smiled "its nothing mama"I said reassuring so that she will stop at her death hug.

Mama released me and asked"Are you really ok?" still worried.
"Yuzuko only missed mama"I said so that she will stop
"I am so sorry for leaving you there,mama is not leaving you again"she was again hugging me thightly then I remembered something.

"Mama!yuzuko have a question"
I asked.

"What it is hun, mama will tell you"mama released me and faced me with a gentle and happy face.

"Well Mama why are you here?arent you helping papa evacuate?"yuzuko asked tilting My head in a cute way.
"Why do you ask?"she said with a smile"because the other day Yuzuko is waiting for aw-lilya san to come back" thats right I was waiting for her until I fell asleep'well she said she would bring me something to eat'I thought then

"My name is alilya"she said with a smile'huh?mama's name is alilya maybe its a coincidence  "mama the aw-ilya-san  yuzuko's talking about ish a dryad"I said pointing the difference'mama cant be a dryad mama is a beastfolk' mama's smile grew wide and said as if she know the reason that I dont believe her"my name is alilya if dont believe me let me show you"she stood up and backed a little then she glowed bright green light covered the room, leaves floating and
"Tada,suprise!"alilya said now in her now in her dryad form.

"Mama is dryad!"I said in suprise"that right!"she said proudly and puff her chest off to me who was amazed has sparkles at my eyes."amazing righ!?"she said looking at me boasting at her form.
"Sugoii mama is a dryad how did you do that?"I am impressed asking her mother on how she did that.

"Mama never told you that she is part dryad right"she said with a smile(^v^)
"Nope,even miyu dont I think "I said saying 'even my sister who alway follows mama will not know it.'I though the suddenly *growls*I felt pretty much embarrased about my body's reation
"Hmm yuzuko-chan are you hungry?"she said
"Yes I havent eaten anything since you and papa left me in the cave"I answered

"Oh my little girl is hungry wait a sec and mama is gonna cook"she said happily as she walked out of the room.

So I look around but somethings feels different its like ive been here before its very comfortable pleasant and I feel safe.

I looked outside of the window and saw a beautiful view of the forest as if you are very high so I look down and saw I am correct so I backed away from the window knowing that I might fall.then I heard mama entered a room holding the food she put the food on the nearby table at the side of the bed and then walked towards me to pick me up.I tugged her cloths because I want to ask something .
"what it is yuzuko-chan?do you need something?"she asked.

"Mama where are we?"I asked her and looked around so she would know why I am asking before tilting my head

"Oh!thats right I forgot youve never been her before"she said then she smiled and started walking.

"Welcome! we are at the great tree at the center of jako and mama's old house!"she said taking me near the veranda for me to see the breath taking view

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