Ch 25 Berserk of the rampaging minotaur

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Ch 25 Berserk of the rampaging minotaur

The shear size of my opponent overshadowed me. Thinking of a plan to fight him might not be easy but I think it's possible in someway.

Unlike earlier my opponent is someone who over estimate their opponent. 'Oh not this one' he is clearly not overestimating me his opponent.

For now I just keep evading with all of my might. One hit to my small body will be fatal and I will be —seriously injured.

My attacks are weak so it's not good enough, my speed is enough just to evade in time before he lands a hit. What could be my advantage?

how will I fight back to his large size that my attacks feel like ant bites.

"How?... How will I damage him enough to beat him?" I though to myself as I looked at him charging for another attack.

Looking at him he has a lot of openings when he attacks. Charging lefts his back open for an attack but I think it will be ineffective to him.

Carefully looking at him he is not that big only the size of an adult unlike most minotaur who is humungous in size.

His features are more humanlike. He doesn't look like minotaur but a human with horns and some features of a bull.

"Will my attack work on him?" I though to myself considering the option of surrendering the match.

If I lose father will father stop teaching me due to our agreement, mother will forbade me from learning skills and learn martial arts if I lose.

I have to win even if I incapasitate —wait I think I still have a chance.

"This is a Gamble that this will work but I will try"

I waited for the right time that he is rushing towards my direction. I dashed towards him as well and waited for the right opportunity.

Using my slight advantage in agility I hit something on his back.

「What is that an ant bite?」

He said that as if it has no effect on him

「Is that all you can do」

I ignored his words and continue to evade and attack, though it drains my stamina fast.

I determined I might lose but 'This is my only gamble left of defeating such opponent' I run around him using both my illusion magic to disorient him.

I made my illusions although only 3 appeared as I have no mana left it is enough.

With the help of «Advance Assist System» locating all the nerves and coordinated attacks.

I kept Attacking him nonestop and wearing him down.

He counter attacks of course but I felt it less because of my skill «Physical Damage Resistance» it also leveled up from 1 to 2.

but due to it's side effect I felt numbness all over my body. This numbness makes it hard for me but still I attacked relentlessly.

both him and I gasped for air as it exhausted us both.

I think it worked seeing he isn't moving the slightest.

With my remaining mana I used an spell I learned «Earth bind» it creates some kind of vegetation that stops the movements of the opponent by wrapping around it's legs.

'It's my victory' is what I though but I didn't think he still has power to move.

The announcer was about to announce my victory when something unexpected happened.

The ground shook, and a burst of violent wind was coming from my opponent's direction.

There I see he was out of the restraints. I readied myself even if I am injured I can still try something as he's also injured—I could only barely avoid his attack.

'his faster than before!'

His speed rose up and his strength as well but why does it feel like I am fighting a Savage animal rather than a sentient being.

I kept dodging but in a blink of eyes I was hit upward  towards the air.

『[Report]: the opponent is using the unique class skill berserker.』

My eyes widen hearing that from «Advance Assist System»


I was bashed and was basically flown to out of the platform. hitting the ground with my beat up body made me caught blood.

Due to his skill berserker he lost some of his reasoning and has the mark of insanity.

I prepared myself to face the minotaur. I see Bloodshot eyes and his aura is surging violently. His skill is very dangerous not only to his opponent but to himself as well.

I felt a surge of fear through my body.

He rushed forward with incredible speed I might not able to avoid it. I see in the corner of my eyes the worried looks of my family.

I see referee and the announcer tried to stop the minotaur but they are being held back by the rushing crowd.

My family got up from their seats rushing towards my direction. Elizabeth with a very worried face as I saw her try use magic.

I tried to stand but it looks like I heavily injured and a battered body that I can only sit as I look towards the rushing minotaur.

All became quite.

My hope disappeared as I cannot move. I felt my fear vanished and accepted what's happening.

I closed my eyes waiting for my impending doom but it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw vegetation growing from the ground between the cuts of the wooden floor. I front of me someone similar looking to my aunt Chloe stood.

The plants are like ropes that held back and envelopes the rampaging minotaur.

The lady the who saved me knelt down to me and brought me to her embrace carrying me.

「mother! How is she!?」

I looked to the direction of the voice it my mother then who is this for my mother to call her mother?

I've become suspicious of the person carrying me but I can barely keep my eyes open and I blacked out.
The woman place her hand over Yuzuko body and green light eminated from her palm healed some of Yuzuko's fatal injury

The woman who is carrying Yuzuko handed her to very worried mother alilya. While her father who was quite happy that her daughter now has a distraught face.

「dont worry she is safe now」

Alilya caressed her unconscious daughter head as tears from her eyes slowly drip down.

「thank you-」

Alilya's worry was relieved when she heard the reassuring words from her mother's mouth.

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