ch 9.1 The war against humans

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"Charge,we will win this time"the general commanded his troops directing to attack the weakend kingdom of the cat beastkin

"Dont be afraid because they are weakened by the demons"the general raising the moral of his army

"This time we will claim this land"the general smiled that this time they will claim their first vitory againts the beast continent even if its only a small kingdom near the sea.

'Or will they'

As the humans charge to the beast kingdom

(In a realm where mortals cannot enter)

On a certain place where there is no time.

a loli sitting watching on a rift on the dimension of space and time watching the war annoiyed.

"This humans never learn, engaging war on the beast continent because it was weaken by the attack of the demons"the loli exclaimed very annoyed by the human action well this loli is "flat chested" had pigtailed hair and "small" on stature.

"Oi! you dont need to empasize that I am flat and small!"
Well the loli seems be rein-chan

(A/n:sorry bout that haha)

A loli that is very pissed off because her loadwork will increase because of many will die in the war

"Well it cannot be avoided, the humans are ignorant creature after all" another figure appeared thats appearance looks like a little girl to be precise a loli

Describing her appearance she looks like a cute 10 yr old girl and has golden blonde hair that reaches the back of her heel.also a flat chested one.

"Hey!why are you here, last time I invited you, you said you were bussy"

"Well that is correct I am bussy-"

"You-were-only-watching freaking anime disguised as an otaku!!" The loli with pale blonde said ,actually her hair really looks like platinum.

"Well,Sorry about that"

"Nn! forgiven"rein-chan said"well next time your giving me snacks"

"Well actually I am only here because there is an interesting person you had reincarnated in this world"

"Oh!you mean yuzuko well we could say she is interesting atleast"

"Well lets get back to the show"

"Well actually its not a show its my job"


The two loli looked throught the rift in space in time watching the war as it broke out the beast continent will the humans win or will the beast kingdom of taigan which their target stand their ground

(Back on the warzone)

On the kingdom of taigan the people (actually beatman) panicked because they dont know what to do.

"Were doomed the humans will invade our kingdom"someone said running

"Dont panic our kingdom will be safe"
the king of taigan said readying himself to go to war.
"call all the adventurers and call all the soldiers,defend and evacuate the civilians."

"They our top priority"

the king ordered taking his sword to his back.

"Hurry! brace yourself the humans are at the plains now "

"Ready your sword and bow we are going to war!"

"Archers! fire flame arrows"

"Soldiers!break the middle and soround them!"

"Oh!!!"the soldiers charge throught the middle breaking throught the deffence of the human army.


"Mages!block their escape route with earth magic"

"Earth wall"

A large wall of Earth rises blocking the route of humans escape

(On the human side)

"Damn!they blocked our exit, general what should we do?"
a commander asking his supperior for further command
"There is no going back charge and take out their king"the general ordered the army charging thre is no hope for tomorrow

(On the kingdom of taigan)

"Elite troops guard the king,infantry charge ,mages create a force feild and force their troops back,adventurers evacuate the civilians"the beastman general who is a white cat ordered the army.

The adventurers brought the civilians to safety. But

??? Pov

"Will our daughter alright?"I asked my "wife" alilya.

"Yes because she is with my body double"alilya said"and also

"Oh!I forgot you had a skill like that"well I forgot to say my wife is a half dryad her looks mostly is like a black cat beast kin althought she can transform to her dryad form

"Well lets go I want to see her already she might be hungry"I said excitedly'I already miss my adorably cute daughter call me papa"

(A/n:oh! a wild doting father appeared)

"Shhh!"she signald me to stop but why

"Why?"I asked her

"You forgot miyu is still asleep cant we wait a little longer"

'Oh!I forgot'I saw my wife holding yuzuko's younger twins sister and also as adorable as her sister "miyu" her hair is white which is the opposite of her sister I think we will know the reason when the time comes.


"On the war zone The battle continues which side will win the humans or the weakened taigan kingdom."

A mysterios figure clad on cloak standing on a cliff watching the battle.
"Well, I warned them a long time ago"

The Mysterious figure took her hood off seeing the figure is the sage that warned the officials.

Author:well pls tell me your thoughts

????:your cruel about our chest

Rein-chan:thats right

???:well about our names right?

Author:well sorry about that

Well thats all please comment be blunt even if its not good pls tell me my mistake.

I Got Reincarnated Into another World :will it be bad or not?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя