ch 5.2 reincarnation on the way(2)

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Author:this chapter is really short so its like an extra.

I hope you can enjoy this.
(I Edited this)
3rd pov

A little while after sending the two.
A loli is on a serious problem she didnt think on what skills she would give the two so in order to do that.

she researched novels, stories, and to have experience on this kinds of things.

she played rpg games but even thought she done this she cannot think of what to give.

so now back from the start with a serious face on.

"What blessings shoud I give to those two,hmmmm."I said while eating my favorite candy.

I squeezed my brain for answers "Should I make them overpower,hmm."
then though that the overseer of that world will be mad at me if I do that so"nope, he will be mad at me of I do that".

'hmmm what to give what to give 'I though then a light bulb apeared

"aha!theres one the popular appraisal system"

i exclaimed " but I will add extra and unique function to it "

"*typing,programing, and coding*

"then done, that should do " I said proudly "I will give this skill to the person named tooru I qute have an interest in him"i said to myself.
(//-//)nonono its not like I like him.

'oh! Right he will be a girl next time so its best to be freinds to her'I thought

"Ah I forgot I will also give the lady named kuroe a skill but different"(*^*)

*coding something again*

"That should do,the I hope good luck to those two on their life there"(>_<)"well anyway I am going to watch them anyway so I dont have to worry su"(^-^)I said proudly anyway.

3rd pov
On isekai one of the town inthe beast kingdom.
There is a newborn black cat beatkin A girl,a white cat beast a girl .and on the human kingdom there is a baby boy born.
I hope you enjoy this please leave a clomment for suggestions

Rein-chan:I don really like tooru or anything(///-///)

Author:hmm,is that so("-")

Rein-chan:i said not right! Not!!

Author: well anyway I hope there is someone who reads this

roger that

Logging out (*^*)
Rein-chan:pew i am safe

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