Ch 27 journey to kuro town

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Ch 27 journey to kuro town

『encounter with the forest bandits?』


During the last day of the festival the group of hero Ryuu heard of a tale from a wandering bard.

It was about the last generations sword hero frequent a place in Taigan and as well where he settled down after sealing the demon lord.

Hearing of this he wanted information since it might as well tell the location of the sacred sword the hero used

They departed after some time as the tournament was ultimately cancelled since the incident in the junior division. Though the adult division still continued and has a foreigner as the winner

Their fastest route was passing through the Forest of jako.

their destination the kuro towns port which Ryuu heard that a great blacksmith lives atop of a hill overlooking the ocean.

Rumors has it the blacksmith has a connection to the creation and the current whereabouts of the previous generations hero's sword.

Ryuu smiles to the great scenery that they are passing by as he felt the sunlight hit his face as he lay his back on the huge pile of hay in the merchant's wagon.

Following the wagon is a carriage where his companions are along with some bodyguard but only two.

it was disguised as a paid mercenary to escort a merchant to not catch attention.

It was peaceful since they are treading a safe path in the forest

But there is also as well the feeling that you cant fell asleep and something has been bugging him At that moment he felt that it's to peaceful.

as if something's wrong that is going to happen.

He opened his eyes, sat up and moved towards the coachman/merchant that was driving the wagon.

He asked the the wagonner who is named Rod the person whom they asked to be the guide to their destination. He agreed to their request as he has business in kuro town.

Ryuu sat beside Rod and asked about the forest. if there's danger passing in it.

Coachman Rod: 『Yes there are』

The Wagoner Rod replied in a nonchalantly manner which took the young lad a surprise.

『Of course, traversing a forest is quite dangerous』

Rod who's eyes still towards the road ahead and proudly said.

Rod: 「Of course! with me as your guide I assure you it's less dangerous」

Rod slows the wagon down as he passed a bump on the road shaking the wagon.

「So I would be on my toes if I were you since... you never know something might happen」

They talked for a while until the sun begun to sunk.

They are on their way to a camp site to wait till morning to continue their journey.

Ryuu felt something is wrong and decided to cast a detection spell and detected multiple people in the bushes and behind the trees.

He noticed and notified Rod about it the unknown individuals seemingly following them.

Rod stopped the wagon as he hopped down with a lantern raised in one hand to see what's ahead and called out the hiding individuals.

a group of people appeared ahead down the clearing in the forest like they are waiting for them.

It looks like an ordinary beastmen folks but they carry weapons knives, swords, and bows.

Seeing this Rod went ahead to talk them out and reason with them but... they attacked
「Heya guys why are you blo—」

Rod got shot with an arrow through his shoulder and fell down on his back grasping his wounded shoulder.

Ryuu went down and draw his sword from it's scabbard preparing for the fight that is about to happen.

By the looks of it it was an ambush as they are surrounded.

An arrow flew fast Ryuuji's grazing his cheek as hitting the tree behind him.

Ryuuji now understands they are assassins.

『who hired you!』

Him and the other escorts drew their swords as the went to battle the assailants.

The assassins didn't answer his question and just drew their weapons.

He and the other two escorts readied their weapons

His companions who are the farthest behind in their carriage wondered about the commotion ahead as there are a lot of alarming sound that is happening.

Worried at what happening outside.

*Sound of clashing blades*

The battle was hard with the reason that their opponents are beastmen.

They stronger than humans and particularly the ones attacking them seems unhinged not in their right mind like they are under some sort of spells

They are outnumbered but they try to defend all their might to delay their end.

they got pushed into the corner until something or someone flew pass them.


I was about to tell the two guards to retreat with the others that I would buy time for their escape...when a something or someone flew fast me.

I fell back down when the figure flew fast me It was a girl wearing a black cape

She trew something above the beastmen and it exploded releasing some kind of powder.

And defeated the remaining beastmen with the hilt of her sword

I couldn't even react when all of a sudden all of the beastmen attacking us fell down.


The person turned around to look at us as if scanning all of us

I now looked to the figure who saved our lives she looked familiar very familiar but not at the same time.

I was dazed as she began to walk towards me

She has blue eyes, hair tied in intricate ponytail, she was not tall, and has a long sword on her hip.

She reached her hand towards me and asked

『young man, are you alright?』

Her stern voice snapped me back to reality. I grabbed her hand as she pulled me back up

『Uh... I am sorry I was quite surprised』

I said scratching the back of my head.

『If there are no more problems I'll be going now』

She said as she dusted her cape and turned her back to me walking towards the direction she came from.

She was about to go when I called to her

『Wait! may I know your name?』

She halted on her tacks as she glanced back to me as she looked up as if thinking and when I heard her response I was shocked.

『Some people call me by this name... Astoria』

Then she disappeared before I can react

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