Ch 17.3 the abduction part 2

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Ch 17.3 the abduction part 2
"Preparations for the Carnival and the Mysterious Voice"
-—3rd POV—-

The capital is lively folks sing and are very busy it's because of the upcoming celebration of the moon festival.a festival only celebrated once a year.

You can see colors everywhere decorated with banners, small flag's, the stalls on the side of the streets being constructed and the carnival in one day away before its opening .

Lots of folks are excited well, specially the young ones.

-—??? POV—-

"Mom! mom! is the moon festival really tomorrow?" I heard young boy asked his mother while they are walking in the towns plaza.

They were with armed persononels accompanied them and at the same time uniformed clothing which presumably their bodyguards as from a rich clan or family .

they have wolf ears so that means their from another town or village.

"Yes, That is correct tomorrow is the moon festival"I saw her smiling and the boy became very happy.

"Then I get to buy toys?is dad going back?"he asked with his eyes shining like stars

"Well-"the mother averted her eyes away.

"Don't tell me dad isn't-*sob* *sob "he sad that his maybe not coming back. the mother tried to calm him down but the boy ran.

I watched the boy ran from the roof I was on observing emotion and other stuff.I don't really understand.

why they always cry and show different faces on, even Master often shows many kinds of emotion.
specially with her sister and her friends.

Left without anything to do I followed the boy through the alleyway he entered sobbing he sat down and hugs he's knees in this dark alley.

I can still hear the boys mother calling out to him and some bodyguards.

'I don't have physical form so I think it is okay to approach him'I flew down and approached him I circled him and then something is different he twitched and looked around I backed a bit.

-—3rd POV—-

"Who's there?" looking around scared and confused why is there a warm feeling a moment ago.he stood up and wiped his tears and snot.

"I ask again who's there!? I am warning you I will scream for help" he said scared and then he heard a voice in his head

'Boy why are you crying'

a monotonous voice asked him which made him look around again and found nothing "who are you?why can I hear you in my head" he asked confused as he certainly can feel there is a presence however he cannot smell it

'My identity is nothing however, aren't you worried for the people looking for you' the voice sounded concerned but the boy said

"That doesn't really matter they probably  only care for themselves!" The boy said angrily but it became a question "how'd you know that there are people looking for me?"

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