ch 28 Astoria

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Ch 28. Astoria


I am a swordsman hired to be a bodyguard of a noble lady from the capital (??? ) in the neighboring country next to taigan.

I've been working on a household by contract as a bodyguard for the last few years and  occasionally going home for a few days.

'the pay is good and the workers of the household and my employer are quite enthusiastic for me to join the household'

'although I always refused it... because it's to far from home'

My contract of work is almost over when I received a letter from the one who took me in when I was little...even though no one brought me in as I am a half/demon

I considered her and her daughters as my family as they treated me as part of theirs.

She stated that one of Alilya's daughters wants to learn how to weild the sword although with prior training with toru.

Toru Alilya's husband prohibited her from training with the sword after something bad happened.

Which if I remember that Alilya's children are twins which last I saw before about a year before though I don't know if they still remember me.

The white one is very energetic and the black one is very quiet...she also said the family became bigger as new members joined the family.

'I am quite excited actually...going home'

I sent her a reply that I agree since the contract with the person who hired me ended.

After a few days of travel I have arrived and entered the [forest of jako]

I was treading the path to the innermost part of forest...when I heard clashing of blades.

I hurried towards the sound of the clashing blades and assessed the situation.

There was a fight happening between with a dozen beastmen 'bandits?...there shouldn't any here' I thought from what I have seen in the situation.

From what I see a dozen of beastmen assaulting a caravan that was passing through the forest.

I reached down on the pocket of my bag containing a few bottles... I trew a bottle containing knock out powder to the beastmen.

The object flew past someone and above them though they seem didn't react to it.

'Hmm... how suspicous ...were they being controlled?' as I remember bestmen would surely react to it since they have higher sense than humans.

I remotely shattered it using my magic releasing it's content.

*Glass bottle shattering*

I unsheated my sword and rushed forward passing by someone to knocked down the remaining with the hilt of my sword down.

After seeing that the situation has been delt with... I knelt down and checked the supposed bandits... my suspicion is not far 'hmm.. there are no consciousness... puppets? I need to look into this later.'

I was about to go when I noticed a young man who was still in daze... He was looking at me

'hmm... I think I knocked him down when I rushed to subdue the beastmen' I walked towards him and reached my hand out.

『Young man, are you all right』

He looks at me as if in daze but snapped back to reality.

『Uh... I am sorry I was quite surprised』

He said as he grabbed my hand and I pulled him up... Quite natural although, he looks like someone trained so he isn't supposed to be that surprised

『If there are no more problems I'll be going now』

I said I turned my back to him and dusted my cape. I was about to go back to the path I use when I heard him call out to me

『Wait! may I know your name?』

I halted in my tracks and glanced him over my shoulder. 'should I give him my real name?' I gave some though to his request and thought of a response.

『Some people call me by this name... Astoria』

As soon  as I replied I left.

I remember someone looking at that boy

Someone who is a traveller, a knight, and a weird person I don't really know what he is... I met him while doing a quest during my days as a adventurer.

Rather than a traveller...that person... It would be more appropriate to call him a drifter.

They are foreign people not from this world. I heard they are from a place called urth.

I don't know how to properly pronounce it since I only met that person during the duration of a quest.

That person always approaches me whenever I at the guild.

I don't know what his purpose was approaching me 'but he is quite memorable and his stories are interesting.'

I climbed the side of a mountain as walking the path will make it too long.

I saw a familiar sight a very tall tree. A tree that is bigger than any other tree in this forest. I walked across a small bridge, looked up and smiled

'Im home'


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