ch 15.1 Aspiring to be an Adventurer

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chapter 15.1 Aspiring to be an Adventurer

Two days or a few days had passed since we stayed here at the great tree.

Elizabeth and miyu became  friends quickly and I enjoy watching them play that is the problem I watch the for so long and they always notice me sitting watching them smiling  and as we'll nibbling on some snacks given to me by mama

though they invite me to play with them it not that I don't but I really don't like playing.why you ask it is because 'it is extremely tiring for me' and 'I don't really enjoy it' even if I have a body of a toddler or kid that is because I am older on the inside and as well as some of my personality left from before I was reincarnated

The play I don't enjoy is that they do things like tea and other girly stuff like picking flowers.

And they talk. a. lot!

I don't want to be doing that and also I am a quite lazy person only want to sleep or eat and stuff like energy conserving

So I try what do you call it? hmm... oh right refusing them or trying to get away by avoiding them but the problem lies there I can't refuse. why? Do you think well of course because their very cute and as well persistent.

And so now I was hiding inside one of the many floors looking cautiously if they had found me .
Then I heard someone calling for me so I peek from my hiding spot from between a vase and a corner
"One-Chama where are you?"

It is miyu who is calling out for me.not wanting to join them I hid.
"Miyu why is yuzuko always playing hide and seek with us?"Elizabeth asked miyu
"Don't know onee-Chama always does this whenever we asked her to join us on picking flowers"I heard miyu said before they are out of my sight

Seeing that they had passed

so I sneakily ventured towards my paradise where there is no one would dare to make loud noise the sanctuary of many fo my favorite books the one and only library

The library is located at the second floor I think?well the tree is so big and I haven't asked either mama or papa to say at least.

'hmm I haven't seen them much around' I though thinking of what's might they doing or where could they be
'Well it's not like I have business with them'

I walked down to my favorite spot of the library which is near a window.

there is a table and a chair although I am not tall enough to seat there I found a stool around and used it to my advantage to pick myself some books to read

Now I was reading about history and about adventurers.

the adventurers are in some way kind of like a mercenary though it's quite different, the mercenaries are mostly hired as killers or guards sometimes they are hired at wars.

the adventurers are quite like what you imagined it is they are people who accept quest and do good deeds and they got rewards doing so.

some of them got very famous and some are in the legends of the heroes.

While reading the book And admiring the contents I heard the door creaking I looked at the door for a moment and checked if I've been found out

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