Ch 24 Yuzuko's Experiment part 2

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Ch 24 Yuzuko's Experiment part 2
System's name and New skill


Yuzuko flinched as she felt a piercing stare as if someone is trying to look into her and dig a hole through her. Not only that she felt that it was trying to peer on her information.

『Report: someone is trying to look at you information with a skill』

«Advance Assist System» disembodied voice warned her as she scanned the area for potential treat.


—|Yuzuko's POV:|—

I didn't know what to do but— 'would that work?' remembering something as she thought of a plan.

『«Advance Assist System» is it possible to redirect them with skills like «Appraise», «Inspect», and «Analyze»?』


«Advance Assist System» calculated the possibility of the skill being avoided and came to conclusion.

『Possibilty_Calculation_Complete=Conclusion: "possible but not advised"』

Hearing that I breathe a sigh of relief and though of ways as countermeasures to block those skills. 'what skill might work— this should work'

『then why not we try combining this skill «Presence Concealment»to lower my presense , «Dummy» to hide the real body and «False Data» to create a blank slate of identity』

I whispered to her suggested as she only looked forward not to arouse suspicion to those who are observing her.

『would it work?』

I trust her of my being as she is connected to me. Her presence ensures my safety like when mother is with me


So she is like a reliable older sibling.

『[Report]: «Presence Concealment» a skill that lowers the user's presence though you are still physically there, though it hides presence you can still be spotted if in direct line of vision』

『«Dummy» a skill creates and leaves a double through illusion applied it can trick other senses. on the place where it was casted can be applied to make visually visible or invisible double though not tangible as it is an illusion』

『«False data» a skill that negates the «Analyze» and the skill «Appraise» by showing different results to the other party depending on it's level.similar to «Appraisal block» which block the values of a person like level and stats. It creates a fake identy that is shown when someone tries to to peer into the person's personal data』

『。。。Skill_Calculation_Complete= «Presence Concealment»,«Dummy» and «False Data» would use 20 skill points and a half of your mana would you proceed to use it?』

『duration 1 hour your consent needed: Y/N』

Thinking of that Yuzuko though 'although almost all of my skill points and mana would be consumed but I think it's worth it'.

「nn, proceed」

『«Presence Concealment»,«Dummy» «False Data» would be used = mana reduced to half and skill points would be consumed』

『mana 50% Mp 』

Her presence became fuzzy, unrecognizable, and unknown to the people observing her earlier

『«Advance Assist System» reports usage of skills successful』

『[Report]: May I have a suggestion for you Yuzuko?』


『Action recommended learn new skill that by using data the three skills used in order to create a new one in the future』

I pondered her suggestion as it sounds much better than using a lot of skill to produce what's expected.

「good sugestion」

I whispered as I continue to watch the ongoing battle.

The one who fought earlier that human is strong but— when looking at actual battle power he is still weak.

'But who I am to say that I myself am weaker than him' I though to myself as I saw someone familiar.

「The one fighting on the platform seems familiar」

Well I pondered who it is 'white hair, wolf ears, is he the one who fought earlier?' I listed a few details as I looked and observed more.

a very white but not white colored tail it's bushy it's pure white like snow falling

「a very white but not white ... Wait it's sachi-chan's older brother」

His hand to hand combat Ive seen it before when we are at sachi-chan's place.

I was wondering inside the inn when I noticed after turning by the corner I saw someone practicing martial arts by a tree. Parts of it wrapped by rope.

I watched him quite some time before returning to the others.

So he is sachi-chan's older brother. So sachi-chan might be around. I scanned the whole are and spotted them. Sachi-chan's family joined My family by their seats to probably watch the tournament.

「they get along really got along well」

I said in a lowered voice to be not gain someones attention as I want to join in their conversation but I think better not.

「better to observe this fight then」

As I watched the fight ending with his victory. He waved towards his younger sister after he won the fight

-—Great Sage Liliane—-

'Hmm their presence disappeared' but I think I know who she is as I stood up from my seat.

「Great sage-sama where are you going」

Ah right I was invited here to watch this tournament but that's not really what I am interested.

「I think I had watched enough so Ill be going」

I waved goodbye as I walked out of the room on the second floor of the small building as I head to the stairs towards the audience of first floor.

I am Liliane a Great sage and mother of Alilia the guardian of the forest Jacko and my successor my other daughter Chloe.

I noticed them earlier so I think I will drop by to greet them and to know my grand kids.

The tournament went smoothly nearing the finals
Semi final contestant Yuzuko "Yūrei" stood against a big opponent a young minotaur named Aur.

The minotaur dashed forward halting midway and stomping the ground hard enough making a small crater on the platform.

And the minotaur breathe smoke making a some sort of smoke screen

The dust from the crater combined with the smoke made if nearly impossible for Yuzuko to see him but his noticable large silhouette is still visible.

Making his next attack possible to dodge. Yuzuko evaded the the rushing attack by leaving a «Dummy» to bait the rushing young minotaur out of the ring

But halted midway 「your tricks won't work with me」aur looked to the left where Yuzuko is standing quietly「!?」Yuzuko flinched as she heard this

「Ive watched your match earlier」He said as he turns towards her.
「it won't work, it may work on them but not to me」

「this will be a problem」
Yuzuko murmurs to herself as her small lips for in to a slight smile


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