The wardrobe battle

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They were cornered. The dense forest wouldn't allow them to go any furthur.

Imperio was standing right in front of them and next to him despite everything was Mathilda and Rowena's house elf. Their eyes were a glowing yellow and they stood there like puppets without strings, Imperio finger's were a dark black. Rowena and Godric could not believe what they were seeing.

"- Fool me once, shame on me. - Imperio said. - Fool me twice, you better watch out. I knew that your first instinct would be to go back here, I know you. You are merely children.

-Let them go. - Godric said pointing his wand right at him, Rowena and Salazar doing the same thing. - Let them go or I'll brun you to a crisp.

-You  are dumb. - Imperio laughed cruely. - You never had a sister or a mother. 

He waved his darkened fingers and in cloud of yellow smoke both Mathilda and Rowena's house elfe turned back into their original form; ragged dolls. 

-Did you like what I did to these rag dolls? - Imperio asked threatenly. - Who knew that actual ragg dolls can play the parts of friends so well.

-Who are you? - Godric demanded.

-Who are you?! - Imperio back fired. - The crazy medival costumes, the wands, the different names, the different world. It almost like you changed all of your personalities on purpose. It was hard to track all of you down again but this time I do not care if I do not get Helga's heart. I have another mission in mind.

-You will not place a hand on her. - Rowena said pointing her wand with conviction. - I will transform you into ash. Now, tell us. Who are you?

-You really do not remember me? - Imperio said putting his darkened fingers under his chin. - The names is Imperio, son of Circé. Youngest of my brothers. I am the nexus of transformative magic and my speciality is total control. My name is the name of magic that eliminates self-will. I'm no witch or human, I am pure magic. Remember me?"

Rowena did not know what to answer to him. They saw that he was standing right in front of wardrobe, he was blocking their way. Godric dared to cast a spell and red flare flew out of his wand landing right on Imperio and yet he did not even move a flinch. He laughed loudly and put out his darkened fingers out of his black coat and waved aggressively to him, from Imperio's dark fingers yellow energy imminated.

"-Wrong move, Peter. - Imperio said."

Just like a puppetier Imperio moved his hand and all of a sudden Godric lost his control, without out wanting to he took out his sword and pointed at Salazar. Godric felt Imperio's control over his body and he started taking swings at Salazar, Rowena grabbed Helga and moved her out of the way. Salazar dogged the first swings but Godric was too fast. Salazar took out his wand started casting defense spells as fast as he could, but Godric's magic sword seemed to cut throught it and almost absorbing it.

"-Stop it! - Helga screamed. Imperio made Godric stop swinging and turned to look at her.

-Are you feeling left out Lucy? - Imperio said with malice. - Okay then, say no more."

He extended his other hand and all of a sudden Helga felt the loss of control. Like a kid playing with dolls he made Godric turn pointing the sword at Helga. Imperio moved his hands once more, crossing them, and Godric sword first started flying in the direction fo Helga. Helga screamed but could not move away, no matter how much she tried to move. Rowena tried to move Helga but it was no use. 

Salazar started to think. Imperio was the name, and it was the name of the magic that eliminates self will. He looked at Imperio, he was controlling them like puppets like if he had the power to control the mind and the body, against the will of other. Salazar wondered and looked at his wand. He quickly stood up and screamed right before Godric would plung the sword into Helga's chest.

"-Imperio! - Salazar screamed pointing his wand at Godric. A yellow smoke shoot out of the wand and landed on Godric's face, his eyes quickly turning to a yellow. Imperio was shocked, he couldn't make Godric move anymore. Godric was under Salazar's spell.

-How sweet, using my own name against me? - Imperio said. - Let's see, Edmund, how bad-ass you think you can be."

Imperio's dark fingers started shinning a yellowish light, bathing the whole clearing on yellow light and Salazar could feel his control over Godric slip. Rowena took out her wand and turned to Imperio.

-Imperio! - She screamed and a yellow smoke shoot out of her wand hitting Imperio and making him fly off. Godric and Helga were released from the control and fell to the ground. - Into the wardrobe, now!"

Salazar ran and helped Godric stand up while Rowena grabbed the little Helga as fast as she could. They ran to the wardrobe just as Imperio woke up and started to float, surounded by yellowish smoke. They opened the wooden door of the wardrobe that was in the middle of the field just as Imperio started to float right in their direction. They entered inside of the wardrobe pushing away all the heavy coats that hanged inside of it, while they shut down the door right behind them. They could hear Imperio banging on the door right behind them as they walked deeper into the wardrobe that seemed to have no end.

The pushed throught the deep wardrobe, Helga and  Godric still feeling woozy because of the mind control. They pushed around the heavy coats and eventually they started to feel something spicky on their way, something fresh. The wooden beneath thier feet felt like ground more than snow. They started to walk all over their own feet and stripped on each and all of a sudden the four of them fell.

They were not in the clearing anymore but rather on a forest snow. As fresh snow fell all around them and all of them realized that they were no longer in the wizarding world. Who knew where they were now.

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