Puffcelest Pastries

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She ran through the woods as fast as she could, she had on her everything she needed to make what she wanted to do. It was difficult to go through the woods because each tree almost blocked her way and each root almost made her trip. There was all sorta of sounds around her but she didn't mind, she had to arrive at the crash site before anyone else or this would have been not worth it at all. She had the book, her mother's cup, the pastry all ready and the cream, sugar, strawberries and valerian root but the only thing missing was the thing that had crashed from the sky.

She climbed over a fallen trees with great difficulty, she was fully grown yet and she wasn't naturally tall either. She pushed aside all the branches that kept hitting her face and arrived finally at the site. She almost fell from the edge of the crater that had been formed but she stopped just in time before she could. The site was breath taking; it looked like an inverted dome with dark cinder all over and great fire around. It seemed more like a hells-cape had been revealed by the crash that something that had been destroyed by the falling star. In the middle of it all was the crashed star.

"-Unbelivable. - Helga Hufflepuff said as she started to make her way down the crater."

Around her everything burned down trees have become  sticks, rocks have become charcoal, animals become cooked meat and grass had become cinder. She carefully walked down the slope in the direction of the middle of the crash site, she had never seen something like this. It was unbelievable.
She carefully walk to the middle of the crash site in the center Was a little pile of colourful dust, probably the only remaining thing from the following star. She carefully sat next to it and open her back; She took out her cooking book and all the cooking Utensils she had brought. She carefully picked up the colourful dust which had all sorts of colors, almost as if the stars and galaxies have been grind into dust and dropped to earth.

She carefully pulled out the cream and added the sugar and the strawberries, she carefully added the celestial dust into the mix. She took up her brand new wand (she got it this year!) and whipped it over the ingredients, all the ingredients started to mix all by themselves. Turning in slowly becoming a sort of whipped cream. She pulled out the pastry and extended with a wave of her wand and with no effort, with the little of magic she knew she made the whipped cream mixture which now shone with magenta glimmers and ruby reflections and carefully places it into the pastry.

Helga concentrated at the with another delicate wave of her wand she folded the pastry into what seemed like a croissant. Trapping the unusual whipped cream which now shone with golden sparks and emerald lights inside of it. Helga waved her hand one last time and the pastry cooked before her eyes, a smell so hypnotic invaded the air all of sudden. Snuffing out the  burnt smell of the landing site. The pastry flew in the air, Helga made it slowly descend into a box she had put open on the floor.

She closed it proudly and stumped happily with excitent. She let out a scream of happiness that seemed to resound throughout all of the forest, some birds flew out of the trees and escaped to the sky. She had been waiting for this since she could remember; she had installed telescopes in her father's attic and been studying the sky to see if by any chance a star would fall out of it. And now, it was finally aligning just as she had hoped for.

A celestial pastry; if people whish upon stars to know their destiny, to meet their love of their life or to become magical then the stars must bee infusd with strong magic. A bite of this pastry and she would meet her destiny, that was the plan for her.

" - If you ever manage to make tha pastry. - Her mother had said. - We will allow you to leave our home with our permission."

Mother never thought that I could manage to do so, thought Helga, So good thing I packed everything before leaving today. It wasn't like Mom or Dad would miss one of a litter of kids, they never paid much attention no that Helga minded. She usually spend most of her time looking at animals which were better company than her family or cooking which was better than any activity with her family. But eventually bored dome started to seatle in her and she wondered if there was more planned in life for her. Her Mom and Dad had no idea what to do with her and she for once agreeded with them. She didn't knon what to do with her life.

She spend most of her time watching the stars and wishing for some excitements in her life and for an unforgettable adventure. She wished upon all the stars of the sky and that was when inspiration struck her, if magic came from feeling then all the wishing for all the people in the world had surely imbued stars with strong magic. Enough magic to reveal to her an exciting life that might be waiting for her. And thus she decided to make what she called a Puffcelest Pastry.

She took out the pasrty from the little box and look at it with big eyes and approched her lips to it. Savouring already the moment of victory, it was now that her life started if everything worked according to plan. Excitement was the best flavour she had ever tried. She carefully bit into it and her eyes seemed to grow wide with surprise.

Flavours invaded her mouth with all sorts of unique tasty undertones; cosmic strberry, celestial blueberrie and sugary whippead cream. Her tongue seemed to tingle and for a few second she wondered if this made up magical food would help. But after the unique and tasty flavour faded, nothing seemed to change. It was like drink Felix Felicis, it was underweahlming for her. There were no destiny fireworks or magic lightnings but just the simple quiet of the night.

"-Oh crap,- Helga said feeling defeated and putting her hand on her hips. - Nothing."

What now? She couldn't go back home after giving all of her family members the finger before leaving, they wouldn't let her come back. What could she do? Walk infinitely in the muggle world? She sighed loudly, maybe she should take it once step at a time.

First, she should find somewhere to sleep.

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