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The day started much like many others, he took Tommen to the fields to train but this time he had his wand safely tucked into his chest. The air outside was damp and gray clouds rolled up from the north as if an evil wind blew their way. The people in the village had greated him in a gently maner and some of them had been more friendly than usuall. There were people still linnging up to get into the army but most of them were too skinny so Gordic thought the would never manage to get into it. 

Tommen was silent most of the training, Godric guessed that it was maybe the humiliation of being rejected by the army. He was focsuing on something but it wasn't the sword fighting at all because he kept messing that up. He seemed nervous but Godric didn't pay much attention to it as Tommen was a naturaly anxious person.

"-You were unsualy quiet this times, Tommen. - He asked as they made their way back to the village on the winding road. - Is something the matter?

-Not really. - Tommen said in a nervous voice, he kept looking at the floor as he walked. Their eyes hadn't crossed all day and Godric felt kind of blind sided. He had been avoiding making eye contact with him.

-Are you sure everything is all right? - Godric asked. - Is it because of those soldiers? They couldn't see potential even if it hit them right in their face. Or was it because they did it front of everybody? I have had my own share of humiliation in my hometown and believe yours pale in comparaison to mine. 

Tommen didn't answere. They could now see the little village stuffed between hills and a column of smoke emerged from it. Godric couldn't remember if today was the day they were supposed to burn their crops or not. The whole mood made him feel completly uncomfortable. He turned to Tommen.

-Are we burning the crops? - Godric said as they walked closer to the little village with the forboding column of smoke. - Tommen, please tell me what's wrong?

Tommen finally met eyes with him and they exchanged a wierd glance that gave Godric a shiver. Tommen took a few steps behind and crossse his arms , he looked angry at him as if Godric had done something to him.

-We know about you, and your sister. - Tommen said in a grave voice. Godric's heart fell to his stomach, his finger felt light and the earth underneith his feet seemed to move. The gray clouds now seemed ready to burst and throw thunder upon him. Godric wanted to say something, anything but his tongue was tied and his body was froze in place. - Your communion with the beats ends here, Godric. Repent and so that God may have pitty on your soul."

Tommen took out his sword and Godric was still glued in place. Swiftly, Tommen swingged cutting Godric's arm and knocking him out of his shock coma. Godric took his sword out and with the unhurt arm swingged his sword doing the same thing to Tommen. He kicked him, making Tommen tumble down the little hill. He rolled all the way down the hill, knocking him out cold. Godric's arms was starting to bleed profusely. He didn't have time to fix it. His eyes turned to the village and the smoke coming from it.

He ran fast down the hill, slidding and slipping on every single rock and hole. He felt disoriented as if wind was blowing him in all sorts of directions. He had gone up and down this hill countless many time and this was the first time it was a challenge. His feet got caught in a rock and in a savage tumble he started falling down the dirt road, hitting his head making cracking sounds and covering him self in dry dirt.

Oddly enough the tumble had helped him to reach the end of the hill, he struggled to stand up and starting to make his way through the village. All of the streets were deserted, nobody was in their homes which meant everyone was at the village's square. He started fumbling his way to the center of the vindictive village and started to hear the cheering of people in center square. The echo became stronger as his way to the center of the village and through the crowd's scream he could hear the crackling of the fire.

"-Mathilda! - He screamed instinctively."

He tumbled his way into the main square, his heart painfully sinking into his chest and his head squizzing his brain. He could feel the heat of the fire in the main square on his face and it was alomst blinding but Godric didn't need to see what was happening to know what was going on. 

In the middle of the square was a take, pilled up with bruning wood. Throught the seering hot flames and the soffocating smoke was attahced someone. What was left of someone as for now it was more a tiny charocaled body. People all around screamed with pierecing voices "burn the witch" and moved crackling  torches with anger.   It took some time for it to sink into Godric's mind but the scream and the heat from the fire kept him from thinking clearly. All he could see was the little motionless body attached to the stack, letting the bright red flames hug it until it was nothing. 

Eventually everything sinked in and Godric felt as if a spear had pierced his stomach and he knew; There was no doubt, they had gotten Mathilda.

The blaze almost seemed to burn Godric's skin and the smoke made his nose tingle but it was the tears that bothered him the most. They pushed their way of of his eyes and dripped down his cheecks, burning the skin as they rolled down. His heart twisted hurtfully and his arms felt as if they were being dismembered. He couldn't think, there was nothing to think and the only thing he could do was watch.  The clouds were still rolling in the sky and Mathilda wasn't there to see it, the air blew and Mathilda wasn't there to feel it anymore.

He could have let the earth swallow him right there and at leaste he would be with Mathilda. He would not mind if the moob linched him and took him to the stack as well but then he saw his wand in his chest. It was unbroken by the huge fall he had and was still intact.  They had burned Mathilda because she was a witch but maybe that was the way to fix up what had happened. Maybe there was a way to bring Mathilda back.

Godric ran away, his arm covered in blood as he left the middle square of the village before anyone noticed him. He enetered his house and saw that all of the furnitures had been tored down, all the paintings had been scratched and every bowl and cup broken. He ran to Mathilda's room and grabbed the rag doll that was on the bed and ran down.

He grabbed a bowl of the Floo Powder and stood in the fireplace, contemplating what to do next and then something clicked in his mind; he would find a way to bring Mathilda back. Turn time or bring back the dead. He would not stop until he done it.

Where to go? He held on the rag doll and carried under his arm, he reached for the Floo Powder and loudly said "Anywhere but here!" as he dropped it into the floor. Green flames emerging from under his feet and consuming him before dropping him out of another chimney.

He slid out of it and looked around through the tear, he was in a room and a little girl was standing right next to him with big eyes.

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