Imperio's Inn

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The whipping stopped and Eric could finally slow down, the boy had stopped whipping them. They had stopped at some cross road and the boy walked down from the carriage, he looked around as if he was lost. He thought about it a little bit and then grabbed something from his pocket. It was a pile of bones with little runes scratched on it. The boy threw into the air and caught them with his gloved hands. He looked at them and looked around once more, annoyed he put his hands on his hips.

"-Oh, well. - The boy said taking a mirror from his pocket and putting away the runes. His pocket seemed bottomless. - Guess this qualifies as dire means.

He extend the mirror and said something a tongue that Eric knew nothing about. Suddenly the mirror, like a pool being disturbed, rippled and slowly it stopped reflecting the boy's image but rather two men. One was grown up in his late 30 while the other was older, reaching his 60. They all had a familiar look as if they might be related in some ways.

" -What is it, brother? - The younger of the two mirror men said. - Why have you called us?

-I lost the track. - The young boy answered. - When I throw the runes they tell me that they are here, but this cross roads are empty as empty can be. 

-Imperio, use your brain. - The man answered. - The runes are telling you that you will meet them there but not yet. Wait there until they arrive, make a trap. Once that is done, they won't suspect and when they are confortable enough you cut their hearts right of their chest. We need the three of them.

- Fine. - Imperio said annoyed. The mirror rippled back into his own reflection. Imperio put his hands on his hips and turned to look at Eric and the other goat. - What about an Inn, my pets? They'll never suspect it."

Imperio pointed at the goats with his index finger and a faint yellow light emerged from the tip of his finger. A cloud of yellowish smoked suddenly surrounded Eric's view, and he could feel his legs unfold and untwist. The hair on his back disappeared and he suddenly could stand up straight, he was a human again. And to his shock the other goats was a human too, he could run away now but he seemed bemused by the young boy.He tried to run but he felt like if he didn't want to, even if he did.  As if Imperio had them under his control without even trying.

" - You'll be the wife. - He pointed to the other goat which quickly sprouted breasts and a beautiful head of hair in a puff of yellow smoke. She looked human in every way now. - And you'll be the owner, I'll be your son and you'll do everything I tell you to.

He dragged the carriage to the middle of the cross roads and when back with the other goats. Imperio pointed once again his finger and suddenly the carriage started to shake, it grew walls made out of bricks, window made out of glass. From it sprouted chimneys and rooms and firmly before their eyes was a gigantic Inn, with Ivy covered walls, brick decorations and a warm inviting aura to it.

The boy seemed pleased, he pointed at himself and his well fitted black rich clothes morphed into a normal country boy's outfit. A wicked smiled spread on his face and just for good measure he threw the runes on last time in the air. He caught them and saw them in his hands.

"- Soon enough. - He whispered."

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