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Helga's face was total suprise. A grown man had just swipped out of the chimney, he was covered in sot and tears but he seemed to need a few minuits to breath. He had his eyes closed and he was bitting his lips as if he was trying to hold in something that was about to explot out of his face.

The guy that had slidded out of her chimney was older than her. He had blond locks, a very geometric face and body. Helga had never seen a handsome men in her life but she could tell that the guy was handsome; he had blue eyes, reddish soon-to-be beard, a symetrical nose, thick eyebrows and thin lips. He was holding a sword and a little stuffed animal which seemed even more odd to her than him appearing from the chimney.

Helga knew that he was a wizard, she could tell that from miles aways.

"-Sir, are you alright? - Helga said with hesitation.

The young man said nothing and just kept breathing between silent sobs on the wooden floor. What to say? Helga thought as she looked to the man in her room's floor. What is the best thing to do when someone cries? She kneeled down right next to the young man as tear kept trying to escape his eyes. She placed her hand on his shoulder and he didn't seem to mind.

-Don't worry, Sir. - She said. - I'm a witch like you. You are safe.

The man moved with agility and grabbed the little girl in his arms. At first she thought that maybe he was attacking her but she soon realized that it was just a hug. The grown young man was hugging her as if she was his daughter or something. Helga didn't push him away, when people need hugs they decided the lenght of it.

-Sir, it looks like you could use some rest. - Helga said lookig around the room. Maybe he could sleep on the bed and she could make a make shift bed on the floor. - We are in a muggle hotel tho and I'm supposed to be here alone. We have to be quiet because if they found out that I'm not alone they would kick me out.

- Okay ... I'm sorry. - The young man said between difficult breaths. - I'll be quiet.

-What happened to you? - Helga said looking at the guy as he sat up. - What's your name?

-Godric. - He answered with a broken voice but decided not to answer the rest of it.

A knock at the door made both of them jump in surprise. The Inn Keeper's wife was at the door with a soft voice she said that dinner was ready and that Helga was expected to go downstairs. Helga turned to Godric, he looked like he needed some time off just for a few muintis and get his thoughts back.

"- I'll go downstairs and I'll be back with something to eat for you.- Helga said said standing up. - Just don't make noise, I don't want to be caught."

Helga felt something wierd in her chest as she closed the door behind her and left the room, she tucked in the little Bowtuckle. It was a swirly feeling in her upper chest, it wasn't hurtfull or bad but it was odd. She could still feel the after taste of the Puffcelest Pastry and she wondered if Godric of the Chimney was maybe linked to her destiny.

Helga went downstairs and saw the foyer where the dinner was placed. Seated around a large wooden table were the Inn Keeper, his wife and their son at the head of the table. On the table was seat a whole feast; carrots, turkey, smoked meats, cheese, fruits and pastries. The Inn Keepers were probably more healthy than they first seemed because it didn't seem possible for them to have that much food.

"- You arrived just in time. - The wife said with a wierd accent. - I was just finishing up with dinner. How odd for a child to be traveling alone, the good lord would have smitten us if we didn't bring you in for a night.

- Tell me, child. - The Inn Keeper asked with a curious expression. -  Why are you traveling alone in the dead of night? It is a dangerous world outside.

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