Edmund Pevensie

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Who knows were they landed but they fell in the middle of some summer fields. Helga's stomach turned from the magic tele-transportantion and Godric could not stand because of the dizziness. Rowena on the other hand, felt that with practice she could hold back the pain of tele-transportation. She helped Helga stand up as their head stoped turning from the crazy spell that Rowena had casted. Salazar stood up, his head spinning as well. But the minuit Godric felt his body calming down, he immediatly pointed his wand at the boy with then dark hair.

"-Who are you? - Godric said as Rowena quickly stood in front of Helga to protect her. - Have you been following us? What do you want?

-I haven't and I want nothing from you. - Salazar answered putting his hands in the air.

-Are you working for Imperio? - Godric asked with courage and ruthlessness. - How can he do magic without a wand, that is impossible. How did he control us like puppets?

-How did he know my name? - Helga dared to ask safely behind Rowena and Godric. - He wanted my heart.

-He said that he knew us, didn't he? - Rowena added, taking out her wand and pointing it towards Salazar just in case. - Did you feed him all of that information.

-No, listen. I don't want to hurt any of you, I want to help. I'll answer every question. - Salazar said. - Cast a truth spell on me if you don't believe me.

-Helga. - Rowena said turning to her. - Do you have some of ingrediants for Verita Serum?

-I don't but I have this. - Helga took out her golden goblet.- It can brew potion in a heart beat, I just need to place something inside and the cup will transform it."

Helga placed the cup o the floor and put a handful of dirt, while both Rowena and Godric kept their wands pointed at Salazar. Salazar had a deep dark hair and white skin covered in nutmeg like frekles, but it was his green clear eyes that made them distrustful of him. The eyes seemed to know more than he was letting on. Helga pointed her wand at the cup and said a little spell, the dirty melted into a clear and odor less potion that smelled like truth and cleanliness. She handed it to Godric who walked carfully to Salazar and handed it to him without taking the wand of Salazar's face. Salazar drank it carefully and gave back the cup.

They looked at him carefully as the potion started to take effect.

"-Now, tell us. - Rowena said holding out the wand on her hand. - What is your name?

-My name, my true name, is Edward Pevensie. - Salazar said thruthfuly. - And your names are not Helga, Rowena or Godric but Lucy, Susan and Peter Pevensie. You and I are brothers and sister we just do not remember it.

-What do you mean? - Godric asked. - I had a sister and it wasn't them, I never met you or them before.

-Me neither but I'm convinced that is the case. - Salazar said pulling out a locket that was around his neck. - I was trapped in the form of a snaked until that Imperio kid transformed back into a human. At first I thought I belonged in this world but then I opened the locket and found a letter inside.It was my own writing on the letter but I could not remember writing  that letter. It said that my true identity and the one of my brothers ans sisters had been erased, and that you were now lost in this world. Without your orginal memories but fake ones.

-That's not true. - Godric said feeling anger bubbling up to the surface. - Remember everything, Mathilda's death. Everything. They are not fake, they happened to me.

-Think about it. - Salazar said. - Where did you get that cup Helga? When was your birthday? Rowena your tiara, can you tell me where did you get it? Or Godric that sword, how did it get to your grasp?

He was right, they could not remember.

-This locket, I never remember having it but yet it was there. - Salazar said. - But it had a piece of paper with all of this information. There was instructions left by me, it said to go to this location and that to go throught a wardrow.

-This is madness. - Godric said putting his hand on his fore head, he felt dizzy. He was right now that he thought about it, he memories seemed fake. But Mathilda, that was real, he was sure of it. - This can't be true.

- It can't, right? - Helga said. She remember her mother and father's face but now that she looked back, they felt like a misty reflection. Something not quite real, something odd. She seeked out the heart of the star, the puffcelest pastry in hope of find a way in life. Maybe the spell had work, maybe she wasn't living her real life and the pastry pushed her out of the illusion. - But what if?

-Could it be? - Rowena asked, she always felt out of place. Like she did not belong in this world and like if her upbringing wasn't what she remembered. She could not remember correctly her birthdays, her ambitions, her memory was now clouded in fog. - I don't know what to think about this.

-I don't know either. - Salazar said. - But there is only one way to find out if this is real or not, we must go to this place and go inside of the wardrobe."

The other three looked at each other, could they be brothers and sisters? They had all white skin and some of them had frekles, Rowena and Salazar had the same color of hair and Helga and Godric had the same nose. They were all close in age. But none of them were sur if it was the case.

"-What about that boy? - Rowena asked, always the smart one asking the good questions. - Imperio? What do you know about him.

-Not much. - Salazar answered. - In my letter it just said to watch out for Imperio and that he would try to kill us.

-But he knew us. - Helga said. - He seemed to know who we were.

-And if he knew were to find us, he would probably know how to do it again. - Godric said finally putting down the wand, letting Salazar put down his hands. - He's gonna go after us again, that's for sure. Something tells me that he won't stop.

-So what do we do? - Salazar asked. - Should we part ways, make it more difficult to find us all together?

-No, if he finds us again we better be all together. - Godric said with conviction. - We'll be safer if we stick together and go to the wardrobe place, maybe we can find some answers to all of this crazyness.

-So where do we go? - Helga asked. "

Salazar walked hesitantly and gave them the piece of paper where it was written down an adresse. 

-My lady, do you think you could do that spell you cast to take us there?- Godric asked Rowena."

Rowena answered yes and all of them stood in a circle, holding each other hand's and started chanting slowly her spell. The other started following the chant but Godric could not help to look at Salazar, there was something off about him and al though he was right about some stuff that did not mean that Godric trsuted him. He would keep an eye on him while they did this. The all started to feel that sinking feeling in the stomach which was the prelude of the spell, and suddenly the world melted around them in a storm of movement and confusion. They all felt their feet fly off the ground and they were all shaken like if they were in the middle of a storm.

They landed somewhere in a wooden area, who knows where but they landed on dry leaves and sun dripped down throught the trees. They let their head readjust and the world became clearer around them. They were in a clearing and in the middle of the field was a wardrobe, standing out like sore thumb. But in front of the wardrobe was Imperio, standing his hands on his hips and an angry look in his eyes

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