A marriage story

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Ruffles and corsets where never her thing. But her father and mother had pushed her so far by now that this seemed like the least of her problems. Her mother had chosen a beautiful cerulean dress with silver threads and jewels embroidements. She even said she would give her the family tiara, and Rowen Helgel wasn't so excited to have to wear a tiara that looks like a damn raven. The hand maidens where doing their thing; synching where the dress should be synched, pinning down the extra jewels when they would be sawn. None of them dared to talk to her, the room was silent only the ruffling of the dress resounded thought the changing room.

The elf was also silent but that wasn't different. The door opened and a women dressed in a white gown that had way too many embroiments entered the room. The hand maidens stooped their work amd quickly looked down to their feet as if they had been put to sleep exactly where they were standing. The woman started passing around the room, analyzing every angle of the dress Rowena was wearing. She put her hand under her chin and looked at the gown and yet Rowena was the one feeling critizised. The woman breathed out out-loud and put her hands on her hips looking for a second time.

"-This colour does to you no favours, Rowena. - The woman said out-loud with the sting only a mother could give to a comment. - It is a nasty tradition that we ought to wear our house colours during important events. You would have looked better in black.

-I think it isn't that bad. - Rowena said looking at the priceless dress. - I think i quite like it actually, blue is a nice colour, Mother.

-But not on you, honey. - Her mother answered without pity . - But alas, there is nothing any of us can do. Your father is determined that this match is to happen weather we like it or not, so all we can do is cross our legs and watch it unfold.

-I don't mind, mother. - Rowena said looking at her self in the mirror and stepping down the pedestal, the elf ran and got her a chair without her even asking for it. - I see it as a smart move, I marry Luther and then I'm set for life. I'll have money, I'll have prestige and I'll have a good name to go with it.

-But you don't love him. - Her mother said and quite accuratly.

-And you don't love, father. - Rowena snapped back at her before sitting in her chair. - That didn't stop you to marry him, and it won't stop me from doing the same thing.

-You father has rotten you to the core. - Her mother answered before pulling a little package she was hidding under those robes. - Here, another gift from your father. It's from the Ollivanders family, they said that this wand awakened when you turned 11 so it is yours by right.

Rowena grabbed the package and unfolded it carefully, amongst the cloth was a wooden wand with beautiful feather like carvings on the handle. It was at least 12" long and it was flexible as well, she could feel it tingling in her hand as if the magic inside of it was brewing.

-It's beautiful.- Rowena said looking at it with dashing eyes.

-I can agree with you on that. - Her mother said as she looked from far away. - It far more beautiful than mine that is for sure, and once again your father is spoiling you again.

-Mother. - Rowena barked with anger.

-Listen to me, Rowena. - Her mother said rising her voice ever so slightly. - You are a smart girl, more than me, but that doesn't mean you know what is good for you; don't marry someone just because it makes sense and because it is the most intelligent thing to do. You marry someone that makes you feel unique and loved even if they have just a piece of dirt to their name.

-Mother. - Rowena interrupted again quite forcefully. - I'm marrying Luther and that is it, I know what I want in life and this marriage can open all of the doors for me in my life.

-Rowena, I do not need to read your tea leaves to know this. - Her mother answered standing up and suddenly towering over her. - You think you are smart but you are only well-read. You have no experience, you have no knowledge, you have just the ideas that has come to you. Which are mostly your father's.

-Mother, did you came here just to be mean? - Rowena asked - Because if you did, I' ll go ahead and push you out of room with my brand new wand.

-You could do that. - Her mother teased. - But you don't know how to do it, you may have read about it but you can't do it."

Her mother walked away closing the door right behind her with a flick of her wand. When the door closed an immense fury took over Rowena and she started to stump savagely her feet to the ground. The elf didn't dare to move an inch.

She stood up and started passing around the room in her brand new gown, her brand new heels clicking the floor as she thought of what to do. She took out her wand and pointing it to the mirror.

"-Flippendo! -She ordered but the mirror just merely swinged a little bit"

I'm just out of practiced, Rowena thought. She turned to the elf who's face recoiled almost as if it was expecting a spell to be castes on him. Rowena analzied the little creature from head to toe and put her hands on her hips just like her mother did when she examined.

"- I need to prove to my mother that I am good at magic and maybe she'll leave me alone. - Rowena said to the elf. - I need to do something that hasn't been done yet. Give me ideas.

The elf remained silent and with big eyes looking at her.

-Oh, I forgot. I allow you to speak. - Rowena said almost regaly. - So tell me Dingaling, what can I try to do that hasn't been done by a witch or wizard?

-I dare not know, Mistress. - The elfe answered

-What magic can elf's do? - Rowena asked looking for a source of inspiration. - I know that you can cast precise magic without wands, but what else?

-We can apparate.

-Apparate? - Rowena asked looking around with a smile. - Like tele-transportation? That would be a new thing for witches. Tell me, how do you do it?

-I'm afraid I just do it. - The elf answered still not looking her in the eyes. - There is no fore thought.

-Well, magic is feeling right? - Rowena said looking at herself in the mirror, the elf barely visible behind the gown. - Tell me how you feel when you tele-transport.

-Well, Misteress. - The elf explained. - When I do so I usually feel panic, distress. Like escaping the room through the tiniest hole in it was still better than being there."

Rowena thought that maybe she should start taking notes and try her best to imitate the state that the elf was describing. She would prove to her mother that she was more resourceful than she gave her credit for and she would be shocked.

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