Your dark majesty

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The boy stopped the whipping suddenly, he was stopping for some reason. Eric's new goat eyes didn't allow him to see much at all but he could see that there was someone at the edge of the river, it was a women. The woman was sitting next to a fire where she was roasting what looked like full bunny, it made Eric hungry. The boy walked down and strouted in the direction of the woman who immediatly acted as if she was just an innocent bystader.

"-Please, do not hurt me traveler. - The woman said as she covered her face behind her hands. - I intent no harm.

-Oh, shut it. - The boy said extending his hand so that she would stop talking. - We both know that you are not a harmless old lady. We belong to the same sister- and- brotherhood, witch. I just ask if I can join your meal.

The women let the vail of fake helplessness drop and looked up at the kid. She snapped her finger and from underneith her robes a snake emerged, slytherining from undernieth her. She took out a long piece of wood from under her robes and agitatied it swifftly, suddenly like Eric had the snape started to shake. It contortionned until it became a young boy with dark hair and green eyes. The kid seemed miserable but he quickly sat bended on his knees and dropped his head to the floor, creating a somewhere where the boy could sit.

The boy sat on the other one and the women took off the rabbit from the fire and put it on a cutting board and he turned to the blond boy who was playing with his fancy gloves.

-Head or tails, wizard? - She asked looking at the cooked rabbit.

-Heads. - The boy answered. The women chopped the rabbit with a single swing of her wand and gave the rabbit and a glass of water to the boy. The boy happily eat the rabbit and ranked the water.

-So, tell me, fellow wizard. - The woman said. - We don't see our kind very often in the muggle realm so what are you doing roaming this lands? Are you on a quest of some sort?

-I am. - The boy said taking another bite of the rabbit. - I'm hunting down some very special ingredients for a a potion we are brewing.

- A potion? Of what sort. Which ingredient are you hunting down?

-It's old magic, witch. - The boy answered as his deminere started to look down on his own lips as if they were acting by himself. - I'm hunting down a child who has eaten the heart of a star, the Runes we are using told us that she would be on this realm

-A youth spell. - The witch said putting her finger under her chin. - A heart of a child who has eaten a star would certainly make for a great eternal youth potion.

The blond boy suddenly stood up straigther and dropped the rabbit to the floor. Tthere was a wierd look in his eyes and he put his hands over his lips as if he had tasted something odd.

- Verita Serum? - The boy said. - Verita Serum?! You dare to steal truth from my lips with Verita Serum? Who do you think you are?

-Listen, little one. - The woman said. - You aren't such threat, you are young there is so much you don't know. I'm a great witch and you are merely a beginner. I knew it from the minuit I looked at you.

The boy stood up savagely, the other kid that was being served as a chair dared to look at her mistress. The boy clentched his fist and wierd darkness seemed to cover the landscape as if a huge storm cloud was blocking the sun, wind blew savagely.

-You think I'm just a witch, Sally Darkwaters? - The boy said in with a voice that resounded like a thousen voices. - Look again.

-Your dark majesty! - The women said suddenly dropping to her knees in front of this child that now seemed to tower over him. - I will not seek the ingerediant you covet.

- Seek all you want. - The boy said in a billion voices as he pointed his finger to the witch and a bright yellow ligh emerged from his finger tip. - You may search for the girl but you will not be able to hear her, taste her, see her or feel her. You won't be able to percive her even if she is standing right before you.

The Women's eyes started to glow a yellowish color as if there was some kind of mind control at play. When the wind stopped moving and the cloud passed, the boy dropped his finger and turned to the one that was his chair.

-As for you, snake. - The boy said. - You better be happy that I let you excist."

The blond boy mad his way back to the carriage and grabbed the whipped from his robes, in another mean swing it hit the back of the goat and Eric. They both started to run as fast as they could, they didn't want to anger this youg man any furthur.

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