Out of the Woods

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Helga woke up with the Bowtuckle right next to her. The running water still resounding right behind her and she could feel the morning cold bit all of her finger and toes, she hadn't realised it when she feel asleep last might but she was sleeping in a bed of flowers. The little branch jumped out of her pocket and walked into the wilderness, Helga's eyes were just starting to adjust to the light when she saw something standing right in front of him.

She cleaned her eyes, just to check if she was seeing correctly the thing right in front of her. It was a horse the color of brown paper but the most breath taking thing about it was it's huge dove like wings. Helga held her breath, she didn't want to scare the curious creature that was standing right in front of her. 

Some of her brown hair was tingling her nose but she helding the sneeze as the horse inched closer to her with curiousity. Helga could almost feel it's breath, she smiled softly. She had never seen such a peacefull creature and apparently neither had the Bowtuckle. The wingged horse bend over to search for something inside of Helga's bag. It's huge snot ruffled throught and found what was left of the Puffcelest Pastry.

Helga was about to stop it from eating it but the wingged horse couldn't help himself and took it into his mouth. He gobbled it gracefully and Helga's mouth dropped wide open in shock; her precious pastry, the one she took only a bit, gone. The horse seemed delighted tho, it bend it's knee and let his wings spread making a spot where Helga could climb on it.

She exchanged looks with the Bowtuckle.

"-Should we? - She asked him. The little branch nodded in excitment and Helga looked at the tall horse."

She climbed onto it's back and it was more comfortable than expected, she hugged the creature as it extended it's big wings and started flapping with great force. Helga closed her eyes, she never like hieghts and being on the back of a flying horse wasn't something that made her feel good. She held on for dear life while the little Bowtuckle fought the wind with all of it's tiny might. 

They flew for hours and hours, she passed throught cloud that tastes like air and she passed throught tunder clouds that tasted like salt. Her arms hurt from holding on for too long and her legs felt weak but just as she was about to give up and let go they landed. Helga just felt the horse land and she felt her legs finally letting go of the horse's body.

She dared to open her eyes and she was surprised to see that she was right in front of an house. It had two front windows and one front door, it kind of looked like a face sprouting from the floor. It looked confused.

Helga climbed down of the horses's back and turned to look at the house, there was a sign saying "Inn" dangeling right next to the door. It was a muggle Inn, she had never seen one of those before. 

"-Is this where you want me to be? - She asked the winged horse as she pointed the building. The horse even seemed to nodd yes to Helga. - What do you think, Bowtuckle?

The little plant nodded in agreement but he seemed a little bit hesitant as well. The horse let out a huge neigh and did a half turn on it's hove's and flapped away with force. Helga felt like a new born baby delivered at the door by the storck.

-Okay, we stick together, Bowtuckle. - Helga said stuffing him into his bag so that he wouldn't pop out. - Muggles aren't kind to the likes of us so keep hidden from view. Who knows who is at the other end of the door.

Helga breathed in and dared to knock at the door and the Bowtuckle immediatly hid it's tiny face between his leafs. The Inn's owner opened the door, it was a young man with bag under his eyes. He looked down and up at here with curious eyes. He checked outside as well as if he was looking if Helga hand company.

"-You look lost, child. -  The owner said. - Are you alone?

-Yes, I am. - Helga answered. - I was hoping to take some shelter here for the night but I'm afraid I don't have anything to pay.

-That is okay, child. - The owner said. - I'm just not used to seeing such young female travelers unacompanied. Come in, the night is no place for children."

She entered the Inn and was surprised to see a comfortable central room, it had bores head on the wall as decoration, a fire place burning in one of the wall, carpets and everything. The owner's wife was sitting next to the fire, and a boy older than her was cleaning the table with his apron. The wife turned to see Helga and with a concerned voice.

"-Oh, my. - The wife said. - You look dreadfully. Are you okay?

-Yes, ma'm. - Helga said trying to sound as muggle as she could. - I just had a rough day, I'm on my way to see my ... parents. - She lied. - I'm afraid I don't have the money to stay in a place like this, it seems too nice.

-No worries child. - The wife said. - You can stay here free of charge, my boy will help you instal yourself in your room. Get some rest, supper is in a few hours.

Helga was about to protest out of politness but it was too late the son was already walking towards her. He had icy blond hair and the strangest yellowish eyes she had ever seen, muggles have the wierdest genes. He guided her to her room silently and opened the door. Helga held her breath in surprise; the room had wondefull wood walls and a comfy bed that looked like the softest butter in the world, a cosy fire place cracked in one of the walls and a window gave a view of the dark fields. The son didn't say a word and slowly closed the door behind her, he didn't even locked it.

Helga walked around the room, on the ceiling was a hand painted scenario of magical animals all dancing an ancient tree stump where a child seemed to sing a melodiy. It was a lovely place that was for sure. She sat next to the fire, the Bowtuckle protesting a little bit but it felt good to be in a house again and even better she didn't have to share the room with all of her siblings. It was all her own, maybe the pastry did work after all.

She looked at the flames peacefully when the color of the fire seemed to shift, the red flares became somewhat green. There was a strange smell coming from the fire like rotten eggs or fermented basil and then a man slid out of the chimney, slidding across the floorand crashing into the bed.

 Helga jumped out in surprise.

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